

2016-04-05    03'58''

主播: 领悟17的音乐盒

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今天 给大家介绍一位 从来没有介绍过的村里人 在乡村界成功征服各年龄层的少女、少妇、师奶杀手,兼具感性嗓音与性感外型,被People以及Country Weekly封上“乡村音乐界最性感的明星”头衔,更受到电视公司注意,邀请演出多出迷你影集。历经十年歌唱生涯,缔造四张乡村榜Top10专辑以及三首冠军单曲,创作出的音乐作品更是获得各方称许,成为新生代乡村男歌手中成功拓展全方位表演长才之佼佼者。 出生南加州,Gary Allan从小在音乐家庭耳濡目染下,发掘出对音乐的细腻敏锐度及内在无限潜力。12岁时随同父亲的乐团登台演出,并在父亲支持与协助下,拥有属于自己的乐团。在努力不懈的上进心驱使下,1996年获签Decca旗下发行首张专辑‘Used Heart For Sale’,快速引起各界瞩目;随着1998年爬上热门潜力榜亚军的‘It Would Be You’问世后相隔一年,唱片公司遭逢关门大吉,深具才华的Gary并未因此消失,其合约转换至更大的MCA家族中。1999年推出深受好评的‘Smoke Rings In The Dark’,自此奠定Gary在乐坛基础;2001年大破百万销售量之‘Alright Guy’,替Gary赢得首支排行冠单曲“Man To Man”。酝酿三年后呈现之‘See If I Care’,让Gary再创事业更高峰,专辑空降乡村榜亚军+流行专辑榜Top17,连续再造两首乡村榜冠军单曲,同样也是张白金畅销大碟,接着‘Though All Over’专辑更是首度摘取冠军王位。 Today he told her that he loved her Put a ring around her finger And promised her forever together Today she smiled for all the pictures And he was right there with her Making all the memories without me And it hurts to say this out loud Looks like she's really gone now Today is the happiest day of her life I should be happy for her today So tell me why are these tears in my eyes I know i should be happy for her But i've lost everything I've lost everything i've ever wanted today Today i thought about the moment i could have said i loved her And promised her forever together Today today it really hit me That she don't really miss me She's found a new beginning And i'm wishing i had one more chance God knows it's too late for that Repeat chorus Today is the happiest day of her life I should be happy for her Today so tell me why are these tears in my eyes i know i should be happy for her but i`ve lost everything i`ve lost everything i`ve ever wanted Today is the happiest day of her life i should be happy for her But i've lost everything I've lost everything i've ever wanted Today he told her that he loved her Put a ring around her finger