【带文稿】Roses and Rue  玫瑰与芸香

【带文稿】Roses and Rue 玫瑰与芸香

2017-03-14    04'02''

主播: Amber PAN

674 27

Roses and Rue 玫瑰与芸香 by Oscar Wilde Could we dig up this long-buried treasure, 我们可否掘起那湮灭已久的珍宝 Were it worth the pleasure, 趁它仍有欢愉的价值时 We never could learn love's song, 我们尚未知悉恋曲 We are parted too long 我们已然长久别离 Could the passionate past that is fled 若过往的狂热逃似撤离 Call back its dead, 呼唤死灵之影 Could we live it all over again, 若我们可重拾旧梦 Were it worth the pain! 痛楚在所不惜! I remember we used to meet 吾忆曾经时时见 By an ivied seat, ['aɪvɪd] 常青藤椅边 And you warbled each pretty word ['wɔ:bld] 汝声颤啭回旋 With the air of a bird; 与莺声调同歌 And your voice had a quaver in it, [ˈkweɪvə(r)] 汝音八分颤入言 Just like a linnet, [ˈlɪnɪt] 恰似红雀 And shook, as the blackbird's throat 然则战栗,如黑鹂喉音 With its last big note; 声嘹而结尾 And your eyes, they were green and grey 啊,你的眼眸,翠中带烟 Like an April day, 像一个四月天 But lit into amethyst ['æməθɪst] 忽转紫晶内含光 When I stooped and kissed; 若我俯身而亲吻 And your mouth, it would never smile 而你的双唇,从不拘言笑 For a long, long while, 时悠久远长 Then it rippled all over with laughter 然漪波涞漾于笑颜 Five minutes after. 忽而绽放 You were always afraid of a shower, [ˈʃaʊə(r)] 你惧怕骤雨袭来 Just like a flower: 似一朵娇花 I remember you started and ran 犹记你惊起而疾走 When the rain began. 当雨水初降 I remember I never could catch you, 我寻思从未将你擒擭 For no one could match you, 无人可与你相媲美 You had wonderful, luminous, fleet, [ˈlu:mɪnəs] 精美而明净,轻盈且飘忽 Little wings to your feet. 你的双足带有小小翅膀 I remember your hair - did I tie it? 我铭记你的青丝——曾亲自挽起 For it always ran riot - 它们总不羁地乱跑 Like a tangled sunbeam of gold: 如一缕阳光下蓬松的金丝 These things are old. 些许陈年旧事 I remember so well the room, 我仍记宅宇安好 And the lilac bloom [ˈlaɪlək] 紫丁香绽满枝头 That beat at the dripping pane 落花掷地有声 In the warm June rain; 在温暖的六月雨中 And the colour of your gown, 你长袍的色彩 It was amber-brown, 是琥珀褐色 And two yellow satin bows [ˈsætɪn] 两条明黄缎带 From the shoulders rose. 从肩胛延伸开来 And the handkerchief of French lace [ˈhæŋkətʃɪf] 带有法式花边的手帕 Which you held to your face- ——用于擦拭你的面庞 Had a small tear left a stain? 承接了细碎的泪迹 Or was it the rain? 或说那其实是雨痕? On your hand as it waved adieu 当你手中的帕摆动起来 There were veins of blue; 有着蓝色的纹理 In your voice as it said good-bye 用你的声音说着道别的话语 Was a petulant cry, [ˈpetjulənt] 易怒地啼哭着 "You have only wasted your life." “你只许挥霍你的生命。” (Ah, that was the knife!) (啊,就是一把利刃!) When I rushed through the garden gate 当我贸然穿过花园的大门 It was all too late. 为时已晚矣 Could we live it over again, 我们可否再重新来过 Were it worth the pain, 这值得付出痛楚的代价 Could the passionate past that is fled 惛伮的往事就这样消散吧 Call back its dead! 若回来则唯有死路 Well, if my heart must break, 嗟夫,若吾心必碎 Dear love, for your sake, 亲爱之人,仅为汝之缘由 It will break in music, I know, 将会在乐声中碎裂,我明白 Poets' hearts break so. 诗人们的心是这样堕亡的 But strange that I was not told 但奇怪的是我并未被告知 That the brain can hold 头脑可以被禁锢 In a tiny ivory cell 在一个微型的象牙牢笼 God's heaven and hell. 上帝的天堂与地狱并存