【Social Problems】女权运动误区part 1(中英文稿)

【Social Problems】女权运动误区part 1(中英文稿)

2016-06-30    02'13''

主播: Amber PAN

151 9

Why women should stop striving for equality? I've got confession to make. I don't believe in equality. In fact, I find the whole idea pretty troubling. After all, inequality is complicated. Take feminism, yes, men have always had a disproportionately large slice of the pie, but the question is "what are we fighting for?" Equality between men and women? Sounds good, right? 为什么女性应该停止要求平等?恕我直言,我不相信平等。实际上,我发觉整个“平等”的概念就让人神烦。毕竟,不平等这一概念很复杂。就拿女权主义来说,它认为男性不对等地占有大部分的资源,但问题是“我们为什么而斗争?”是为男女平等吗?听起来不错,是吧? But, hang on. Which men do we want to be equal to? Just as not all women are the same, neither are all men. So, do I want to be equal to George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer? Or do I want to be equal to the postman who pushes letters through my front door every day? 但是,先打住。我们想要和哪位男性平起平坐呢?就像每位女性不尽相同一样,男性之间也各有差别。那么,我想要取得和英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本同样的地位吗?亦或是我想要变得和每天将信件塞进我家前门的投递员一样吗? Men inhabit different spaces, and they don't even have equality amongst themselves. Some face racism, some homophobia. And even if we put those differences aside, does equality mean parity with people who've always had it better off. 男人生活在不同的环境中,他们之间甚至都不存在平等。一些人面临种族歧视,一些人则受到针对同性恋的歧视。而且即便暂且抛开这些差异,平等就意味着和那些一直过得好的人平起平坐吗? In 1970s, what we now call "second-wave feminism" was called the "women's liberation movement". Liberation being the operative word. Yes, the movement had its flaws, like the fact the black often felt the need to campaign separately against racism. 上世纪70年代,我们现在所谓的“第二次女性主义风潮”在当时被称作“女性解放运动”。解放这个词才是重点。是的,这场运动也有它的不足之处,就像黑人总觉得需要单独组织反对种族歧视的运动一样。 But it had vision too. Like feminists such as Selma James. She reimagined the idea of the family, arguing for cleaning and care work to be valued as much as construction and desk work. By campaigning for wage of the housework, she was literally expanding the concept of the working class. 但它也有自己的愿景。比如说诸如塞尔玛•詹姆斯的女权主义者。赛尔玛重新定义了家庭的概念,主张清洁和护理工作应当跟建设和办公室工作得到同样的重视。她通过要求为家务支付工资的运动,在字面上拓宽了工薪阶层的范围。 After some thinking, it became clear to me that equality doesn't quite cut it. I don't want a share of disproportional power, I don't want to be included, and I don't wish to be assimilated into the status quo. Instead, why are we questioning who created the status quo in the first place? Men. 经过一番思考,我想明白了然而平等并没有什么卵用。我不想从不对等享有的资源中分一杯羹,我不想成为特权阶层的一份子,而且我也不希望被人误解为安于现状。相反,我们为什么从一开始就质问造成这种现状的人呢?是男性造成了这个现状。