20.3.13.V‖Sweet Night

20.3.13.V‖Sweet Night

2021-01-22    03'34''

主播: 0点后叫:菇菇滚去睡

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歌词 : On my pillow 躺在枕畔 Can't get me tired 并无一丝倦意 Sharing my fragile truth 分享我脆弱的事实 That I still hope the door is open 但我仍希望心门敞开 Cuz the window 毕竟你我之间的那扇窗 Opened one time with you and me 曾经悄然打开 Now my forever's falling down 此刻 属于我的永恒渐渐陨落 Wondering if you'd want me now 也不知道 现在你是否需要我 How could I know 我怎么知道呢 One day I'd wake up feeling more 有一天我醒来 有了更多感受 But I had already reached the shore 但我早已抵达彼岸 Guess we were ships in the night 我想 我们是那夜里的小船 Night night 在夜里 在夜里 We were ships in the night night night 我们是夜里的小船 I'm wondering 我很好奇 Are you my best friend 你是我的挚友吗 Feel's like a river's rushing through my mind 我的思绪翻涌而来 I wanna ask you 我想问问你 If this is all just in my head 是否只是我一厢情愿 My heart is pounding tonight 今夜我的心悸动不已 I wonder 我想知道 If you 是否你 Are too good to be true 完美得超越现实 And would it be alright if I Pulled you closer 若我试图靠近你 会因此受伤么 How could I know 我怎么知道呢 cr/百度金泰亨吧