2017-01-07 英语讲座:英音美音那些事儿

2017-01-07 英语讲座:英音美音那些事儿

2017-01-07    33'55''

主播: 西学宗用

301 5

Received Pronunciation (RP) 伦敦正音 The pronunciation of British English that reflects the social and cultural predominance of southern English speech, that was at one time characteristic of the English spoken at the public schools and Oxford and Cambridge Universities, and that was accepted as the standard form of English used in broadcasting. Also called Queen’s English, BBC English, or Oxford English. 标准发音:英国英语中英国南部一种表明社会地位和文化优越性的发音方式,过去曾是公学(public school其实是私立贵族学校,公立学校叫state school,与美国不同)、牛津大学和剑桥大学所流行的口语发音,后来被广播电台采纳为英语标准发音方式也作皇家英语,BBC英语,或牛津英语。 West End: The western section of central London, England, noted for its fashionable districts and its shops and theaters. It includes Mayfair and Hyde Park. 伦敦西区:英国伦敦中心区的西部,以时髦的街区与商店、剧院而著名。它包括梅费尔高级住宅区与海德公园 East End: A section of eastern London north of the Thames River. It was long a densely populated working-class and immigrant area centered around the docks and warehouses, although most of the Victorian-built slums described by Charles Dickens and Henry Mayhew were obliterated by bombing raids during World War II. 东伦敦:指伦敦东部、泰晤士河以北的地区。尽管查尔斯•狄更斯和亨利•马休曾描述过的维多利亚时代建起的贫民窟在二战中已被炮弹摧毁,长期以来,这一地区仍是码头和仓库外围的工薪阶层和移民的高度密集地区。 Cockney伦敦土腔: The dialect or accent of the natives of the East End of London. (伦敦东区的)方言,口音:伦敦东区本地人的方言或口音 (播放配音视频) Eton: An urban district of southeast-central England on the Thames River opposite Windsor. Its college, the largest and most famous of England's public schools, was founded by Henry VI in 1440. However, RP was not formed until 1856. 伊顿:英国中部偏东南一城镇,临近泰晤士河与温莎相对,此城镇内的伊顿学院,是英格兰最大和最有名望的公立寄宿学校,1440年由亨利六世创建。但伦敦正音1856年才形成。 Why do people learn RP? 为什么要学习伦敦正音? Most people who learn RP do so in order to be able to communicate more clearly in professional or social situations, or for stage reasons. One of the key advantages of speaking in RP in certain situations is that most listeners’ ears will hear it clearly, which may not be the case with strong regional or foreign English accents. 大多数人学习伦敦正音的目的是在职场或社交场合能够更为清晰地相互交流,或者是为了演艺生涯。在某些场合,说一口伦敦正音的优势就是绝大多数人会听得清清楚楚,而不像有些人带着地方口音或是外国口音说英语。 英语发音6大要素: 1.Intonation语调(英语为语调语言,汉语为声调语言) 2.Stress重音(stress-based英语强调重音,汉语强调音节) 3.Linked sounds连读 4.Pause停顿(断句或意群停顿) 5.Rythm节奏(因为轻重音交替而形成的节奏感) 6.Pronunciation发音(单词的发音。汉语普通话播音专业有“吐字归韵”训练,与英语播音差别很大。) 播音员还多了一个articulation发声方法。(科学发声包括气息运用) 开口说英语给人的“第一印象”是什么?当然是你的语音。语音反映一个人的教育程度、自身修养,通过言谈举止显示一个人的综合素质。漂亮的英语语音是高中生考入国内外名牌大学的必要条件,为今后留学深造、移居海外、环游世界、进入外资企业中高管理层打下坚实牢靠的基础。 良好的英语语音不仅是每个英语学习者都希望拥有的靓丽“面子”,掌握标准的英语发音还能扫除听力障碍。通过我们独特的英语朗读训练,学会英语的轻重音、连读、停顿、节奏等,既可增强英语口语的美感,又有助于阅读理解难度较大的英文著作,学到英语文化中的精华,真正实现英语听、说、读、写的全面提高。 皇家英语流利说(完美英音训练营)和英伦风范中级英语课程已经为您准备好了!