Home, Sweet Home 甜蜜的家

Home, Sweet Home 甜蜜的家

2017-06-17    04'27''

主播: 西学宗用

668 12

“Home,sweet home”(《甜蜜的家》)可以说是在全世界范围内流传最广的歌曲之一。作词的John Howard Payne (1791-1852)他在伦敦登台时是21岁,几年之后已小有名气,考文特苑剧场经理恰尔斯•坎布尔委托他把一个法国剧本《克拉莉》(又名《米兰少女》)改编成歌剧脚本。由他作词的歌曲《甜蜜的家》被作曲家用于歌剧中。1823年歌剧上演,反响平平,然而其中的这首令人倍感温暖的歌曲《甜蜜的家》却不胫而走,一直流传到今天。 Henry Rowley Bishop(1786—1855)是伦敦著名的作曲家和指挥家。他1821年编过一本《各国歌曲集》,由于缺少意大利的西西里民歌,他就采用了Payne的词,谱写了这首《甜蜜的家》充当“西西里民歌”收入歌集。1823年,他又把这首歌用于他的歌剧《克拉莉》。 Home,sweet home家,甜蜜的家 John Howard Payne (1791-1852)词 Henry Rowley Bishop曲 演唱:Bob Zong (Bass baritone低男中音) 伴奏:蒙特利尔交响乐团(Orchestre symphonique de Montréal)指挥:Charles Dutoit 'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Be it ever so humble there's no place like home! A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there, Which, seek through the world, is ne'er met with elsewhere. Home, home, sweet, sweet home! There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home! An exile from home splendor dazzles in vain, Oh, give me my lowly, thatched cottage again, The birds singing gaily that came at my call, Give me them with the peace of mind, dearer than all. Home, home, sweet, sweet home! There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home! To thee I'll return overburdened with care, The hearts dearest solace will smile on me there No more from that cottage again will I roam, Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. Home, home, sweet, sweet home! There's no place like home, oh, there's no place like home! 中文填词“可爱的家” 吴研因(1886-1975) 我的家庭真可爱,美丽清洁又安详, 姐妹兄弟很和气,父亲母亲都健康。 虽然没有好花园,月季凤仙常飘香, 虽然没有大厅堂, 冬天温暖夏天凉。 可爱的家庭呀! 我不能离开你, 你的恩惠比天长。