Daikan-yama 代官山,高阶的潮流与生活

Daikan-yama 代官山,高阶的潮流与生活

2020-12-24    57'18''


1184 18

MERRY CHRISTMAS 在昭和时期曾是一片杂木林的代官山,自关东大地震后兴建起公寓,进而形成现在的高级住宅区,并成为高级时装店、咖啡店与甜品店聚集的时尚街区。现代主义建筑和精致的商业氛围,让这里的圣诞气息更显浓厚。 In the Showa period, Daikan-yama was just an area overgrown with weeds. After the Great Kantō Earthquake, apartments were built to form the current high-end residential area, and it became a fashionable area with high-end fashion shops, coffee shops, and dessert shops. Modernist architecture and exquisite commercial atmosphere make the Christmas atmosphere here even stronger. 关注我们的微博 @Tokyo_Stations 与我们互动,分享你收听节目的想法、见解与感想。 主播:黄大姐,秦老板,方枪枪,小狐狸 设计:哦小普 编辑:哦小普 剪辑:哦小普,秦老板 监制:哦小普 Produced by (kbys) studio