牛排的正确吃法——Miss Chan

牛排的正确吃法——Miss Chan

2017-04-28    02'28''

主播: GD狂粉

613 4

【Ordering】 How would you like your steak cooked/done? 您要几成熟? I'd like to have it medium done, please. 请给我来份5成熟 What would you like for accompaniments? 您要什么配菜? Well, baked potato and broccoli, please. 烤土豆跟西兰花吧谢谢。 Any seasonings/condiments? 要什么调料吗? Black pepper will do. 黑胡椒就可以。 How about wines? 要喝酒吗? No, I'm good. 不用了。