

2016-11-15    16'20''

主播: 三七七丶

62 10

@三七七丶 【三七】中秋醉生梦死歌会 【明月天涯】 游侠某 名远传 而今江湖谈 仇者多 友两三 但逢敌手难 雨尽碎 风如潮 出手引狂澜 未收招 三声笑 皆醉了 远风急 忽回首 明月漫千山 天地渺 意气满 踏歌至长安 灯影繁 酒正暖 满座均贪欢 众人酣 拂衣散 乌云然 唯此间江湖年少 偏爱纵横天下 恩仇趁年华轻剑快马 红尘未破也无甚牵挂 只恋生杀 醉里论道 醒时折花 游侠某 名远传 而今江湖谈 仇者多 友两三 相逢皆恨晚 檐上霜 窗边月 为我留一盏 过江南 踏天山 不曾还 剑影翩 血光寒 似鬼亦似仙 说书人 应笑我 既疯也如癫 辩正邪 如明月 今圆别时缺 倒不如 一拍案 入寒渊 唯此间江湖年少 偏爱纵横天下 恩仇趁年华轻剑快马 红尘未破也无甚牵挂 只恋生杀 醉里论道 醒时折花 唯此间江湖年少 偏爱纵横天下 恩仇趁年华轻剑快马 红尘未破也无甚牵挂 只恋生杀 醉里论道 醒时折花 传言道江湖年少 不谙世事繁华 是敌是友不妨一战罢 待何人何年有心与我 拭血论茶 梦里依旧 明月天涯 【三国恋】 将军 北方仓粮占据 六马十二兵 等待你光临 胡琴 诉说英勇事迹 败军向南远北方离 家乡 在那美的远方 期望在身上 梦想在流浪 肩上 剩下的能量 还能撑到什么地方 等待良人归来那一刻 眼泪为你唱歌 在我离你远去那一天 蓝色的雨下在我眼前 骄傲的泪 不敢弃守我眼睛 在我离你远去那一天 灰色的梦睡在我身边 我早就该习惯没有你的夜 勇敢的面对 赤壁 烽火连天战役 只挂掉我们 七万个兄弟 长江水面写日记 愿你也能看见涟漪 家乡 在那美的远方 泪水背着光 安静而悲伤 肩上 剩下的能量 还能撑到什么地方 等待良人归来那一刻 眼泪为你唱歌 在我离你远去那一天 蓝色的雨下在我眼前 骄傲的泪 不敢弃守我眼睛 在我离你远去那一天 灰色的梦睡在我身边 我早就该习惯没有你的夜 勇敢的面对 我试着面对 灰色的夜 还在眼前 等待良人归来那一刻 眼泪为你唱歌 在我离你远去那一天 蓝色的雨下在我眼前 骄傲的泪 不敢弃守我眼睛  在我离你远去那一天 灰色的梦睡在我身边 我早就该习惯没有你的夜 勇敢的面对 【This ih new shit】 Stand up and admit it This is the new shit This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Everything's been said before There's nothing left to say anymore When it's all the same You can ask for it by name Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don't forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don't forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow's never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don't forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Everything's been said before There's nothing left to say anymore When it's all the same You can ask for it by name Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow's never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Now it's you-know-who I've got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don't care Now it's you-know-who I've got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don't care Now it's you-know-who I've got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don't care Now it's you-know-who I've got the you-know-what I stick it in the you-know-where You know why, you don't care Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don't forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow's never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it? NO! Do we want it? YEAH! This is the new shit Stand up and admit it So,LET US ENTERTAIN YOU So,LET US ENTERTAIN YOU So,LET US ENTERTAIN YOU Blah blah blah blah everybody sing along