【S3D72-151121】Special 30'+Standard 30'

【S3D72-151121】Special 30'+Standard 30'

2015-11-21    01'02''

主播: CIDE_论辩与口译

852 36

【S3D72-151121】News Translation 造成晕屏的原因是浏览了含移动内容的屏幕,可能是看了有追车镜头的电影,也可能是浏览了手机上滚动的内容页。 Reference for 【S3D71-151120】News Translation 贝克汉姆是全球超级明星,忠诚的丈夫和四个孩子的父亲。而这位一直很谦虚的英国万人迷当选为今年全球最性感男人。 David Beckham is a global superstar, devoted husband and down-to-earth dad of four. And now, the humble British heartthrob is this year's Sexiest Man Alive. 【S3D71-151120】 Special 30' Hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants have arrived in Europe this year. These men, women and children fled armed conflicts, oppression or poverty at home in search of a better life. The European continent is now facing its biggest migration crisis since World War II. 【S3D71-151120】 Standard 30' High-definition cameras, sensors, electric motors and remote controls have become so small and cheap they can be put on most everyday objects. Using the processing power of our smartphones they become, well, robotic. “Slowly, slowly we're going to see more robots in our lives. They're not going to look like actual robots but it's going to be robotic technology that's applied to other appliances or devices which are going to make our lives much easier."