【News 100 | S7D36】171024

【News 100 | S7D36】171024

2017-10-24    01'00''

主播: CIDE_论辩与口译

911 23

【News 100 | S7D36】171024-News Translation 京东的发展势头表露出欲与主要对手阿里巴巴竞争,以抢占中国奢侈品市场。贝恩咨询公司(Bain Company)预期今年阿里巴巴的增长大约为2%到4%,接近3050亿美元。八月,阿里巴巴在商户-消费者网站天猫内创立了奢侈品频道Luxury Pa vilion,这个频道销售顶尖奢侈品牌,用户是由阿里巴巴预先指定的最富裕阶层。 【News 100 | S7D35】171023-News Translation China's second-largest e-commerce website JD has officially announced the launch of its first-ever luxury online platform, “Toplife”, according to a public announcement released by the firm on October 10. The new site is a full-price online shopping platform which allows international luxury labels to set up flagship stores selling products directly to affluent Chinese consumers. 【News 100 | S7D35】171023-Special 30' On a hot day in 2016, Tracey Beaver and three friends drove to the town of Grants, New Mexico to buy alcoholic drinks. On the return trip, Beaver lost control of his truck and hit a wall on the side of the road. Two of his passengers were thrown onto the road and killed. 【News 100 | S7D35】171023-Standard 30' Transnational criminal activity ranges from trafficking in drugs, humans, wildlife, and firearms, to money-laundering and counterfeiting medicines, consumer goods, and other intellectual property. Organized crime causes serious harm to every society at every level; it spreads corruption and destabilizing governments; drains profits from legitimate manufacturers and vendors; and victimizes individuals in a variety of ways.