【News 100 S10D79】190523

【News 100 S10D79】190523

2019-05-23    01'00''

主播: CIDE_论辩与口译

1455 8

Reference for 190522 The average American gamer is 33 years old and likes to play video games on their smartphone. And the average gamer is spending on games more each year: 20 percent more than one year ago and 85 percent more than in 2015. Hello, this is David Austin with the BBC news. Donald Trump has urged Republicans to unite on the subject of abortion ahead of next year&`&s presidential election after several US states passed tough new laws to restrict terminations. In the past week, Alabama approved legislation to ban virtually all early abortions. Here&`&s John McManus. Evangelical Christians form a core of voters who want to restrict or even outlaw abortion in the United States.