Stealing Sheep-Shut Eye

Stealing Sheep-Shut Eye

2017-07-28    02'43''

主播: 非西不是鱼

564 15

You should've got a better bed, 你应该找一张更好的床, Better for your head, 更舒服的床, Better heads need shut eye, 闭上眼睛才能安然入眠, You should've got a better bed, 你应该找一张更好的床, Better for your head, 更舒服的床, Better heads need shut eye, 闭上眼睛才能安然入眠, You should've got out of the red, 你要远离血腥, In the red you're better off dead, 不然干脆一了百了, Deader than the red dead sea, 永远消亡 不存与世间, Promise it to me, 向我保证, Promise me the sea, 向大海保证, You should've got a better bed, 你应该找一张更好的床, Better for your head, 更舒服的床, Better heads need shut eye, 闭上眼睛才能安然入眠, You should've got out of the red, 你要远离血腥, In the red you're better off dead, 不然干脆一了百了, Deader than the red dead sea, 永远消亡 不存与世间, Promise it to me, 向我保证, Promise me the sea, 向大海保证, People all the people with big bellies banging bigger drums, 所有的人 挺着大肚 敲锣打鼓, They beat down on you they beat the pulse into your shoes, 鼓点阵阵 让你情不自禁地跟着跳动, Shoes that are made for walking you to lands and other seas, 从大陆跳到海洋, See those seas of see those seas that you've seen on the big screen, 到那些你只在荧屏上看到过的海洋, You should've got a better bed, 你应该找一张更好的床, Better for your head, 你应该找一张更好的床, Better heads need shut eye, 闭上眼睛才能安然入眠, You should've got out of the red, 你要远离血腥, In the red you're better off dead, 不然干脆一了百了, Deader than the red dead sea, 永远消亡 不存与世间, Promise it to me, 向我保证, Promise me the sea, 向大海保证, Sad hello's and mad high lows, 悲伤的问候 疯狂的心跳, Now i know not nobody knows, 现在我知道没有理解我, Sad hello's and mad high lows, 悲伤的问候 疯狂的心跳, Now i know not nobody knows, 现在我知道没有理解我, Where do we go? 我们要去哪里, Oh where do we go? 哦 我们要去哪里, People all the people with big bellies banging bigger drums, 所有的人 挺着大肚 敲锣打鼓, They beat down on you they beat the pulse into your shoes, 鼓点阵阵 让你情不自禁地跟着跳动, Shoes that are made for walking you to lands and other seas, 从大陆跳到海洋, See those seas of see those seas that you've seen on the big screen, 到那些你只在荧屏上看到过的海洋, People all the people with big bellies banging bigger drums, 所有的人 挺着大肚 敲锣打鼓, They beat down on you they beat the pulse into your shoes, 鼓点阵阵 让你情不自禁地跟着跳动, Shoes that are made for walking you to lands and other seas, 从大陆跳到海洋, See those seas of see those seas that you've seen on the big screen, 去看那些你只在荧屏上看到过的海洋。