第二十二条军规》是美国作家约瑟夫·海勒创作的长篇小说,该小说以第二次世界大战为背景,通过对驻扎在地中海一个名叫皮亚诺扎岛(此岛为作者所虚构)上的美国空军飞行大队所发生的一系列事件的描写,揭示了一个非理性的、无秩序的、梦魇似的荒诞世界。 根据“第二十二条军规”理论,只有疯子才能获准免于飞行,但必须由本人提出申请。但你一旦提出申请,恰好证明你是一个正常人,还是在劫难逃。第二十二条军规还规定,飞行员飞满25架次就能回国。但规定又强调,你必须绝对服从命令,要不就不能回国。因此上级可以不断给飞行员增加飞行次数,而你不得违抗。如此反复,永无休止。 Illy/Anne-Marie-Catch 22 And stay, stay, stay, another round, 留下来再度狂欢吧, 'Cause who wants to live forever? 谁想要无趣的永生, Who wants to burn it down? 有谁想将之付诸一炬, Down, down, down, down, 热烈燃烧 毫无保留, And we can paint the town, 我们也可以大肆狂欢, 'Cause who wants to sing the blues? 谁又愿意唱那忧伤的蓝调, So some you win or some you lose, 得意有时 失意亦有时, It's all a catch-22, 一切都是两难的把戏, Yeah, I could be getting old, but I'm getting round, 虽然我是在长大 但我也在逃避, Call it immature, sure, but hear me out, 我是不成熟啊 但你先听我把话说完, 'Cause the only thing promised is the here and now, 你能真切把握的就只有眼下当前, If we didn't live it up, never live it down, yeah, 若不能让人眼前一亮 也别让人过眼就忘, And when I jump I hold on, I'm like, "Oh my Lord", 勇敢一跃便义无反顾 大喊一声我的天爷, If it all goes wrong then it's all my fault, 出了什么差错就都怪罪于我, Man, some just want to watch your world burn, 兄弟啊 有些人就是看不得你过的好, But some on the straight and narrow lost first turn, so, 但有些人过的安分守己以致错过转机, Before you play, take a page of my own advice, 在你下海之前 看好我给你的意见吧, It's all a game, know the price when you roll the dice, 一切都是游戏 看好价码再放身一搏, And what's the rush man? Nowhere else to go tonight, 急什么呢兄弟 今晚你可没别的地方去啦, And we ain't getting out on time, let alone alive, 我们的时间多得用不完 更别说这漫长一生,The choice is yours, your down for the cause,选择在你手中 看你玩不玩得起, Be hated or adored, but never ignored, 要么万众憎或万人迷 就是不要随大流, And whatever card you draw you can't win them all, 无论抽到的是的什么牌 你都不可能总是大赢家, So leave the sad songs at the door, get involved and, 所以把那忧伤都放下吧 然后加入我们, And stay, stay, stay, another round, 留下来再度狂欢吧, 'Cause who wants to live forever? 谁想要无趣的永生, Who wants to burn it down? 有谁想将之付诸一炬, Down, down, down, down, 热烈燃烧 毫无保留, And we can paint the town, 我们也可以大肆狂欢, 'Cause who wants to sing the blues? 谁又愿意唱那忧伤的蓝调, So some you win or some you lose, 得意有时 失意亦有时, It's all a catch-22, 一切都是两难的把戏, It's all a catch-22, 一切都是两难的境地, Oh, you're not happy where you at heart, fuck it off then, 你心底其实并不快乐 那就让那些不快见鬼去吧, Just make it not for nothing when you cut your losses, 及时止损并非没有道理, You haven't got it made, but you got your options, 离完成还远着呢 但是你还有选择的余地,Ditch smokes for sleep, ditch shots for crossfit, 为了安稳觉而戒烟 为了健康而戒毒, What you tryna live longer? Take a bow, 想要活得久些是为嘛 拉倒吧, What's the point of all those years if you spend them missing out? 那你浑浑噩噩过的那些年又有什么意义,Some of it's worth the risk, hoping you don't forget, 有些冒险是值得的 希望你不要忘记, Bad as the world can get none of it's permanent, 在这可以变得崩坏的世界没有什么是永久的,So no politics or parties, even if, 管他政治还是党派, We solving world problems with our lager on our lips, 就算我们可以用啤酒来解决世界难题, And for all the easy ways out, the harder that it gets, 当简易的方法都用尽了 剩下的就会越来越难, Now isn't that ironic? No Alanis Morissette,这不是很讽刺吗 这情况可不止出现在歌里,We a hard act to follow, pouring the bottle,我们喝酒用的是对瓶吹 让人望尘莫及, YOLO the motto, could all end tomorrow, 及时行乐是座右铭 或许明天就是末日, Set your watch fast, stay ahead of your time,把钟表调快些 这样时间就会落在后面, If you wait, might never arrive, that's the vibe so, 直觉告诉我要是干等下去 永远也到不了岸,And stay, stay, stay, another round, 所以留下来再度狂欢吧, 'Cause who wants to live forever? 谁想要无趣的永生, Who wants to burn it down? 有谁想将之付诸一炬, Down, down, down, down, 热烈燃烧 毫无保留, And we can paint the town, 我们也可以大肆狂欢, 'Cause who wants to sing the blues? 谁又愿意唱那忧伤的蓝调, So some you win or some you lose, 得意有时 失意亦有时, It's all a catch-22, 一切都是两难的把戏, It's all a catch-22, 一切都是两难的境地, It's all a catch-22, 是该努力还是放弃, Some paint the town (some paint the town), 有些人选择肆意挥霍, Some sing the blues (some sing the blues), 有些人选择暗伤低落, Oh some you win, oh some you lose, 有时候你有所得 有时候又会有所失, It's all a catch-22, 一切都是两难的把戏, Some paint the town (some paint the town), 有些人选择肆意挥霍, Some sing the blues (some sing the blues), 有些人选择暗伤低落, Oh some you win, oh some you lose, 有时候你有所得 有时候又会有所失, It's all a catch-22, 一切都是两难的把戏, Some paint the town (some paint the town), 有些人选择肆意挥霍, Some sing the blues (some sing the blues), 有些人选择暗伤低落, Oh some you win, oh some you lose, 有时候你有所得 有时候又会有所失, It's all a catch-22, 一切都是两难的把戏, Some paint the town (some paint the town), 有些人选择肆意挥霍, Some sing the blues (some sing the blues), 有些人选择暗伤低落, Oh some you win, oh some you lose, 有时候你有所得 有时候又会有所失, It's all a catch-22, 一切都是两难的把戏。
上一期: Raye-Hotbox
下一期: 城南花已开(纯音乐)