【生活日常】照顾魔法蛋:Care for magic eggs

【生活日常】照顾魔法蛋:Care for magic eggs

2019-06-19    01'46''

主播: 宝宝巴士

71761 150

【英文儿歌歌词:英文-中文翻译】 Little egg Little egg, 蛋宝宝 蛋宝宝, I’ll take care of you. 让我照顾你。 I'll paint on you to make you look pretty. 我会在你身上画画,让你看起来漂亮。 Little egg Little egg, 蛋宝宝 蛋宝宝, I’ll take care of you. 让我照顾你。 I’ll give you a bubble bath and get you clean. 帮你洗泡泡澡,干干净净。 Little egg Little egg, 蛋宝宝 蛋宝宝, I’ll take care of you. 让我照顾你。 I’ll build a small cozy nest for you. 帮你建一个小小鸟巢。 Little egg Little egg, 蛋宝宝 蛋宝宝, I’ll take care of you. 让我照顾你。 I'll dig a hole in the sand for you. 帮你挖一个温暖沙坑。 Little baby unicorn, 独角兽 小宝宝, I’ll take care of you. 让我照顾你。 I’ll feed you a bottle of sweet sweet milk. 喂你喝一瓶甜甜牛奶。 Little baby unicorn, 独角兽 小宝宝, I’ll take care of you. 让我照顾你。 Put you in a cradle and swing it gently. 把你放在摇篮中轻轻摇晃。