Let the story tell-Re:plus

Let the story tell-Re:plus

2017-02-12    04'21''

主播: 闫火

444 10

sometimes we find it all too well 有时我们发现一切都太令人满意 maybe it’s time to let the story tell 也许是时候讲故事讲出来了 even though you may not speak 尽管你可能并不会说出来 your eyes are all you need to talk to me 但你的眼睛已经告诉了我一切 我时常会听着这首歌昂首走在地铁的晚高峰里,它传递给你的勇气与鼓励……这些共鸣,你感受了吗?
上一期: 宫西希-月光
下一期: -you are my love