Ryan美语音乐课堂-rolling in the deep-Adele

Ryan美语音乐课堂-rolling in the deep-Adele

2017-07-05    10'23''

主播: 英语啪啪啪

1326 36

发音小TIPS There's a fire starting in my heart “a”的读音有两种读法 “there's”与“a”连读 ” Reaching a fever pitch it's bringing me out the dark “pitch”和“it's”连读 Finally I can see you crystal clear 为了压节拍“finally”拆开读“fina”和“lly” ” Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your sheet bare “out and I'll”连读 Don't underestimate the things that I will do “underestimate”低估.n ” There's a fire starting in my heart “a”的读音有两种读法 “there's”与“a”连读 Your had my heart inside of your hands And you played it To the beat “and”弱化成“n” “played it”连读 ” But I've heard one of you and I'm gonna make your head burn “and I'm”连读 Count your blessings to find what you look for “Count your”连读 “what you”连读 ” We could have had it all “it all”连读