What does death mean to you|死亡为我们活下来的人带来何意

What does death mean to you|死亡为我们活下来的人带来何意

2019-01-13    05'16''

主播: 黑格子~

887 11

Actually 从中东回来后,I haven’t thought much about death. (我并没有想太多关于死亡的事) Until yesterday (直到昨天)我在Janet直播间里一位朋友问道“What is a good death?, What is death?. What does death mean to us?”(如何好死?什么是死亡?死亡为我们活下来的人带来何意?) 对这些问题,我并没有合理的解释,倒是让我想起来自身的一装经历 - 海葬(更确切的来说我们办的是一场湖葬)。 It was a clear day, me and my cousins set out, rowing across to a large beautiful lake, holding ashes from a relo. (正是清爽的一天,我与我的表兄们,从大湖泊中间划去,湖中好美,我手里抱着亲属的骨灰) It was fine, until there was a sudden wind change - 在青翠的大湖上,我们正准备把一位亲属的骨灰撒入湖中。 突然一阵风,一个逆风,把这位亲属的骨灰转飞了起来,全飞到了自己的眼里,嘴巴里。。。 "什么味道呢?" 朋友问道 “Like saw dust”(像锯末的味道)我说 “There, up yours! that’s my relative saying “Take take!””(这是我的亲属在对我们小辈的抗议) And you know what I said in return? (猜我如何回应呢) “You just don’t give up do you?”(你这老家伙,还不死心) So friends, What does death mean to you? 音乐:"Another One Bites The Dust" Queen