Freda Is Found(Freda走丢了 ʕ•͡•ʔ)

Freda Is Found(Freda走丢了 ʕ•͡•ʔ)

2016-11-05    04'17''

主播: Wintergx

194 3

Freda Is Found Freda was so excited. It was field-trip day! Miss Cathy said they were going to the fire station. Freda loved big fire trucks. “Maybe I’ll even get to ring the bell”, she said. Freda and Percy were partners. All the partners held hands to keep each other safe. Miss Cathy was at the front of the line, and Mr.D was at the back. Suddenly Freda saw her favorite toy store. There was a bright red fire truck in the window. Freda just had to take a closer look. “Look Percy!” said Freda when she got to the window. “Percy?” she called. But there was no Percy. There was no class, no Miss Cathy and no Mr.D. “Oh, no!” gasped Freda. “I think I’m lost.” Freda tried to stay calm, but she was scared. Percy was scared, too. “I can’t find Freda,” he told Miss Cathy. “Don’t worry,” said Miss Cathy. “She knows to get help from an adult”. The nice woman from the toy store asked Freda, “What’s wrong?” “I’m lost,” said Freda. “What is your name, address and phone number?” asked the woman. Freda said, “My name is Freda Jones! I live at 123 Sunny Street!” “My phone number is 555-2412!” “Do you know your school name and your teachers’ names?” asked the woman. “I go to Ready Set Pre-K” said Freda. “My teachers are Miss Cathy and...” “Mr.D!” said a voice behind Freda. Mr.D had been right there the whole time. “You’re not lost,” said Mr.D. “You’re found!” Freda was so happy to be found. And she was really happy when she got to the fire station. She rang the bell as loud as she could.