六年级下册第五单元A 陆怡宁

六年级下册第五单元A 陆怡宁

2016-03-08    00'43''

主播: 鲍鱼南瓜

5007 45

曾获得CCTV希望之星全国冠军 What's your favorite subject, Kevin? My favorite subject is Math. Why do you like it? Because I like my Math teacher. Who is your Math teacher? Mr. Black. What is he like? He is kind to us. he always tries to make Math easy to understand. We find Math classes interesting. Who is your Math teacher? My math teacher is is Ms.May. What do you think of her? She is a little serious. But she teaches very well. 陆怡宁有很多技能,英语,西班牙语,大提琴,钢琴,乐高等,但我最欣赏的两点是他的绘画和作文。作为从小就画画的我来说,他的画是奇怪的,主题和内容大多是他的想象中的事物,很工业又后现代,没有任何老师影响的痕迹。还有就是他的作文,每篇我都会仔细去读。让我感兴趣的是,一个孩子对成人社会的理解和看法。孩子自己的思想,这是很宝贵的东西,尤其在中国。