【有文稿】英文原版绘本故事《灰姑娘》(The ending)

【有文稿】英文原版绘本故事《灰姑娘》(The ending)

2015-10-27    12'57''

主播: Sookie元媛

1768 12

The servants did but they could not find the princess even after quite some time. Finally,they arrived at Cinderella's house with the glass slipper. The two stepsisters,tried so hard to put on the glass slipper but their feet were too big,"May i try on the shoe?" Chindreella asked. Her stepsisters laughed but the servants let Cinderella try it on. The room fell silent.The glass slipper fit Chinderella perfectly! Everyone became more amazed when she brought out the other glass slipper from the pocket of her tattered dress. Just then the fairy appeared and gently touched Cinderella's rags with her magic wand turning it into a gorgeous ballgown,Cinderella became the beautifu princess from the ball. Recognizing her, the two stepsisters hastened to bed Cinderella for forgivenness. The prince's servants brought Cinderella to the castle.A few days later,a grand wedding ceremony was held for cinderella and the price.