

2017-02-18    04'19''

主播: Sherlovy

796 28

小播有话说:本期是为了弥补上周的情人节迟到的推送,因此小播是来撒糖的,推荐的全部是情歌,单身狗慎入哦!(不过话说小播自己就是一只单身汪,诶,给自己挖了一个巨大的坑) photograph是由ed shreen 演唱的,黄老板歌曲的一大特点就是词写的炒鸡棒,加上吉他的绕梁韵味,给人一种娓娓道来之感。黄老板歌曲大多有关爱情,而photograph是其代表作,简直是满满的情话。喜欢的朋友们还可以推荐去听听lego house Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes 有时候,爱情会带来伤害 But it's the only thing that I know 但我只知道这个,仅此而已 When it gets hard, you know it can get是由 hard sometimes 当我俩前景堪忧,你知道有时如此 It is the only thing that makes us feel alive 困难让我们感到还活着 We keep this love in a photograph 我们把爱保存在照片里 We made these memories for ourselves 制造属于我们的记忆 Where our eyes are never closing 在那儿,我们的双眼永不合上 Our hearts were never broken 两颗心永不受伤 And time's forever frozen, still 而时间却永远地冰封,凝固 So you can keep me 那你就可以 Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans 把我放进你的裤袋 Holding me close until our eyes meet 把我拉近,直到你我四目交投 You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home 你不会孤独,等我回家吧 Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul 爱可以修补你的灵魂 And it's the only thing that I know 但我只知道这个,仅此而已 I swear it will get easier, remember that with every piece of ya 我发誓这会简单得多,我会记住你的一颦一笑 And it's the only thing we take with us when we die 当我们与世长辞,这会是我唯一依旧记得的东西 We keep this love in a photograph 我们把爱保存在照片里 We made these memories for ourselves 制造属于我们的记忆 Where our eyes are never closing 在那儿,我们的双眼永不合上 Our hearts were never broken 两颗心永不受伤 And time's forever frozen, still 而时间却永远地冰封,凝固 So you can keep me 那你就可以 Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans 把我放进你的裤袋 Holding me close until our eyes meet 把我细看,直到你我四目交投 You won't ever be alone 你不会孤独 And if you hurt me 就算你伤害了我 That's okay baby, Only words bleed 宝贝,没事的,受伤的不过是言词 Inside these pages you just hold me 在这照片里,你依然把我抱紧 And I won't ever let you go 我永远不会让你离去 Wait for me to come home Wait for me to come home Wait for me to come home Wait for me to come home 等我回家吧 You can fit me, 我俩相映成趣 Inside the necklace you bought when you were sixteen. 照片里还有你十六岁时买的项链 Next to your heartbeat where I should be, 我就在你的心跳旁边 Keep it deep within your soul. 请把我牢记在灵魂深处 And if you hurt me.. 就算你伤害了我 Well that's okay baby, only words bleed 宝贝,没事的,受伤的不过是言词 Inside these pages you just hold me 在这照片里,你依然把我抱紧 And I won't ever let you go. 我永远不会让你离去 When I'm away, I will remember how you kissed me 我不在的时候,会记得当时你怎样吻我 Under the lamppost back on Sixth street 就在第六街的路灯下 Hearing you whisper through the phone 透过电话,我要听到你的密语 Wait for me to come home 等我回家吧
上一期: Ain't my fault
下一期: Say you won't let go