【2006-08-04,五】ESL Podcast 187 – Enjoying the Outdoors

【2006-08-04,五】ESL Podcast 187 – Enjoying the Outdoors

2015-11-13    19'27''

主播: 喂喂(・ω・)ノ

169 65

Take a hike and enjoy the outdoors in this podcast. Tags: Entertainment Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:03 Explanations: 2:48 Fast dialog: 17:42 My favorite time of year is the summer. I like being outdoors, doing anything from hiking to going to the beach. One thing about working in an office all week is that I don’t get much fresh air. With summer here, I plan to take full advantage. Last week, I went to the beach with some friends. I was glad I brought sunscreen since it was a really hot day, and I’m sure I would have gotten a sunburn within 15 minutes! We set up our beach umbrella and beach chairs, and played some volleyball. A few of us went into the ocean for a swim , but most of my friends just lounged around on the sand. This weekend, I’m going hiking. I stopped by the store and got some insect repellent. The last time I hiked in the mountains, I came back with big mosquito bites all over my legs. This time, I’m going to be prepared. I was going to try a new trail and I wasn’t going to let a few mosquitoes get in the way. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse