【2007-12-28,五】ESL Podcast 333 – Quitting Smoking

【2007-12-28,五】ESL Podcast 333 – Quitting Smoking

2015-12-06    16'59''

主播: 喂喂(・ω・)ノ

81 59

Smoke, anyone? Learn about how to end your addiction on this episode. Tags: Health/Medicine Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:16 Explanations: 3:11 Fast dialog: 15:11 Vera: Hi, I thought you might be out here. Geez, it’s really cold! Paul: I know, but I really needed a smoke break after that long meeting. Can I bum one off you? I left my pack of cigarettes on my desk. Vera: Sure. Here’s my lighter. What do you think about the new incentives the company is offering to employees to quit? Have you thought about it? Paul: Yeah, but I’ve smoked for 20 years. I tried going cold turkey once, but it didn’t work. I’m doomed to a lifetime of ashtrays and stained fingers. Vera: I’ve been butting heads with my boyfriend for years. He wants me to quit, but I say, to each his own. Paul: The incentives are pretty good, though, I have to admit: a cash bonus and more money towards our health plans. Vera: Yeah, I could use the cash. Have you tried one of those nicotine patches? Paul: No, I haven’t. Vera: Well...I’ll try it if you will. Paul: Do you think it would work? I think I’m a lost cause. Vera: I’m not sure, but if you’ll try them, I will, too. Paul: Okay, but I’m warning you. I have no willpower. Vera: All right, but just remember: no pain, no gain. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse