【2007-12-21,五】ESL Podcast 331 – Washing Clothes

【2007-12-21,五】ESL Podcast 331 – Washing Clothes

2015-12-06    16'44''

主播: 喂喂(・ω・)ノ

103 61

Learn about how to talk about washing your clothes in English in this episode Tags: Daily Life Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:19 Explanations: 3:40 Fast dialog: 14:43 Mina: What happened here? Is the washing machine not working? Arlo: What do you mean? Mina: Why are all of your white T-shirts now pink? Arlo: That just happens. Sometimes they turn pink, gray, or another color, depending on which clothes I put in a load. Mina: Didn’t anyone teach you how to do laundry? You’re supposed to separate your whites from your colors and wash them separately. Arlo: It doesn’t really matter. I don’t mind if they get dyed a different color. As long as they get clean and the stains come out, I don’t really care what color they are. Mina: I have some bleach that may be able to get your T-shirts white again. I better try before you put them in the dryer. Arlo: Don’t bother. It really doesn’t matter to me. I’m almost done here. I’m just waiting for one more load to finish. Mina: What kind of detergent are you using? Arlo: I ran out of detergent, so I’ve been using dishwashing liquid. It works pretty well. Mina: No wonder your shirts are as stiff as a board. Good thing you don’t own any delicates or they would be completely ruined. Before you put your clothes in the dryer, clean out this lint filter. It’s really dirty. I don’t suppose you use fabric softener. Arlo: No, I like to keep things simple and dry my clothes on a clothesline. I don’t mind if they’re a little stiff. Mina: Remind me never to ask you to do my laundry. Arlo: Life is too short to worry about laundry. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse