【2016-11-07,一】ESL Podcast 1258 – Causes of Plane Crashes

【2016-11-07,一】ESL Podcast 1258 – Causes of Plane Crashes

2016-11-09    23'03''

主播: 喂喂(・ω・)ノ

11365 532

Nothing in life is 100% safe, so you should probably listen to this episode just in case you need to talk about the things that can go wrong on an airplane. Tags: Travel Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:21 Explanations: 3:41 Fast dialog: 21:05 Angelica: So the book I’m writing starts with a plane crash. Corey: What caused it? Angelica: It doesn’t matter. That’s not part of the story. Corey: But characters have backstories, so you should have a backstory for the plane crash. Angelica: Okay, the plane crashed because of mechanical failure, or better yet, pilot error. Corey: What happened? Was it because the pilot misread the instruments or had a problem navigating? Angelica: I don’t know. Corey: Maybe he or she was incapacitated due to an illness. What kind of illness? Angelica: Forget it. Let’s say instead that it happened because of an act of God. Corey: Like a lightning strike? That’s not very likely. Angelica: Okay, how about some problem with the flight crew that caused the cabin to depressurize and the plane to go into a tailspin. Corey: What was the problem with the flight crew? Angelica: It doesn’t matter! Corey: Maybe a member of the flight crew was a hijacker and it was an act of terrorism. Angelica: Okay, let’s say that’s what happened. Happy? Corey: But wait! Who was the terrorist? What were his aims and what was his cause? Angelica: You know what? I think you should put that in your book! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse