2 | The Edited Ark

2 | The Edited Ark

2016-10-14    53'55''

主播: theshanghaishow

88 0

ON THIS EPISODE: *Fame goes to their head. The success of Adopt a YKL Refugee has made them all divas *Charlie teaches us how the Michelin Star system came to be *The 1st Annual Cooper Guide to Shanghai Awards *A sit down at Rolling Studio with Morten and Devin of The Edited Ark *The Edited Ark play two songs in studio for us (Clutch, To Live and Die in Yangpu) New news girl, Lea Xu, tells us about *Why Donald Trump is a douche *How Hillary fought back during the debates *Obama's controversial stance on a hot topic Recommendations for the Week: Jiaotong University Metro Stop Pokemon Game, TRX Workout and Tour Bar 在本期节目中 *一战成名是怎么样的感受?Jorge和Charlie探讨了一下《收养一个永康路老外》视频是如何让TSS成为大街小巷的热点的。 *米其林星级是什么?Charlie来告诉你。 *第一届“固铂轮胎”饮食指南发布! *Jorge在Rolling录音室面对面采访The Edited Ark成员Morten和Devin。 *The Edited Ark表演了两首歌曲《Clutch》和《To Live and Die in Yangpu》。 欢迎我们新的新闻播音Lea Xu,她将与我们分享以下新闻: *为什么唐纳德·特朗普是一个混蛋? *希拉里·克林顿在双方辩论中是如何反击的? *奥巴马在一个非常有争议的问题上有什么出人意料的论点? 每周推荐: 交通大学地铁站内的宠物小精灵游戏 TRX训练 Tour酒吧