3 | Shanghai's # 1 Bad Boy

3 | Shanghai's # 1 Bad Boy

2016-10-14    39'35''

主播: theshanghaishow

186 6

ON THIS EPISODE: *Did Charlie go to Korea just to hang out with American Navy guys? *Charlie turns in to a Chinese grandma on vacation *Lea tells us about Train to Busan *Shanghai's #1 Bad Boy comes in to the studio to teach us how to be more badass by: Teaching us how to take a girl on a date How to pick up single moms at the Baby Gap Lea gets in to the news of the week: *Donald Trump did something offensive! Can you believe it? *Robert De Niro wants to punch the Donald in the face *Fox News sticks by an offensive video where a frat douche goes to NYC's Chinatown to talk to 90 year old women. Recommendations for the week: Go to Korea! Buy a house in Wuxi...or just go to visit a cool, hip area, check out the JZ Festival this week AND Jorge will be performing on October 15 at Kung Fu Komedy opening for the very funny Kent Kedl. Check it out here. 在本期节目中 *国庆长假Charlie去了韩国,是为了驻扎在那儿的美国大兵吗? *中国大妈威力无穷,连Charlie都变身大妈,在韩国买买买! *还没看《釜山行》?你落伍啦! *“上海第一坏男孩”来到录音室现身说法,教你如何泡妞 教程一:约会 教程二:在Baby Gap搭讪到单身辣妈 Lea带我们回顾本周热点新闻: *简直难以置信,唐纳德·特朗普又惹事了! *罗伯特·德尼罗声称要揍他 *福克斯电视台的记者闲的蛋疼跑到纽约的唐人街做了档节目,其中low爆的种族言论引起非议
上一期: 2 | The Edited Ark
下一期: 4 | Brian Tock