没有人是一座孤岛/By John Donne

没有人是一座孤岛/By John Donne

2021-08-04    02'01''

主播: 耿波

247 1

没有人是与世隔绝的孤岛; 每个人都是大地的一部分; 如果海流冲走一团泥土, 大陆就失去了一块, 如同失去一个海岬, 如同朋友或自己失去家园: 任何人的死都让我受损, 因为我与人类息息相关; 因此, 别去打听丧钟声为谁而鸣, 它为你而鸣。 Noman is an island, Entireof itself.   Eachis a piece of the continent, Apart of the main. Ifa clod be washed away by the sea, Motherlandis the less. Aswell as if a promontory were. Aswell as if a manner of thine own Orof thine friend's were. Eachman's death diminishes me, ForI am involved in mankind. Therefore,send not to know Forwhom the bell tolls, Ittolls for thee.
上一期: 小诗
下一期: 细微的爱