Looking After Gran (L5)

Looking After Gran (L5)

2016-10-08    08'44''

主播: Luna & Abby J 鹿與木鈴

1233 40

第5阶 故事书 Looking After Gran 阅读前可以做的准备: . 翻看故事的插画,包括封面,猜一猜故事的内容。 . 你能找到故事图片里藏着的10个偶数字吗? 读在前面的单词: . thougt / must / looking / find(爸爸妈妈可以帮助孩子先理解意思,可以用肢体动作,实物和图片的方法,但是尽量不要用中文翻译) 阅读后可以做的练习: . 找一找故事里所有的实意动词,比如:look after / said / threw / chase ... . 用简单的英文句子复述故事。 故事原文: . Looking After Gran (Written by Roderick Hunt / Illustrated by Alex Brychta) . The family was going away. "Look after Floppy," said Dad. . Gran liked looking after Floppy. She took him for lots of walks. . She threw sticks for him to chase and balls for him to catch. . Gran had a motorbike. It was bright red. "Jump in, Floppy," said Gran. . Gran put on her crash helmet. "Where are we going?" thought Floppy. . Soon, they were zooming into town. "Isn't this fun!" said Gran. . "Not for me!" thought Floppy. . At last, Gran stopped. She parked the motorbike on the sand. . "Stay here, Floppy," said Gran. "Look after the motorbike. I'm going shopping." . Gran was away for a long time. The tide started to come in. A wave splashed the front wheel. . Then a wave splashed the back wheel. "Gran has parked too close to the sea!" thought Floppy. . "I must find Gran," thought Floppy. He ran into the town as fast as he could. . Sniff! Sniff! went Floppy. He could tell where Gran had been. She had been in the butcher's shop. . "Yum! bones," thought Floppy. "Get out!" yelled the butcher. "No dogs in here!" . Floppy ran back into the street. "I must find Gran," he thought. . Sniff! Sniff! went Floppy. Gran had been in the bread shop. "Get out!" yelled the baker. "No dogs in here!" . Floppy ran back into the street. "I must find Gran," he thought. . The Floppy saw Gran. She was in the hat shop. Floppy ran in and barked. . "Get out!" yelled the lady. "No dogs in here!" "Come on, Gran!" thought Floppy. . Floppy ran out of the shop. Gran ran after him. "Come back!" yelled the lady. "You haven't paid for that hat." . Floppy ran back to the beach. Gran puffed after him. . "Oh no! My motorbike," shouted Gran. She ran into the sea and pushed her motorbike out. . "Well done, Floppy," said Gran. "You saved my motorbike!" . Gran spoke to Mum. "I'm not looking after Floppy," she said. "He's looking after me!" 课后问题 Talk about the story: . Why didn't Floppy like going on Gran's motorbike? . Why did Gran leave Floppy with her motorbike? . Gran told Floppy to stay. Why was he right not to stay? . What animal would you like to look after for a day? 最后别忘了小朋友很喜欢重复阅读同样的故事,他们会认读地越来越快,也会越来越有自信哦!