【Sunday School】Baby Jesus

【Sunday School】Baby Jesus

2017-05-21    11'22''

主播: Luna & Abby J 鹿與木鈴

165 7

标题:Baby Jesus 耶稣宝宝 - 一个关于圣诞节的故事 每课5个词: 1. be puzzled: Mary was puzzled. 2. stable: They had to stay in a stable. 3. cradle: She didn’t have a cradle. 4. manger: She laid Jesus in a manger. 5. shepherd: Out on the hillside were shepherds. 请前往同名微信订阅号「不知不觉读完一本书」(轻触链接打开 http://t.cn/RaYIXf9)查看绘本内页样图,和更详细的Luna的英文绘本伴读微课。Luna每天推送一篇儿童英文绘本故事,每月和爸爸妈妈一起读一本英文书。