

2016-02-27    05'08''

主播: 北教培优学院

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“What you don&`&t learn from your mother, you learn from the world” is a saying I once heard from the Masai tribe in Kenya. By the fall of 1960, my world was expanding and so were my political sensibilities. John E Kennedy won the presidential election, to my father&`&s consternation. He supported Vice President Richard M. Nixon, and my eighthgrade social studies teacher, Mr. Kenvin, did too. Mr. Kenvin came to school the day after the election and showed us bruises3 he claimed he had gotten when he tried to question the activities of the Democratic machine&`&s poll watchers at his voting precinct in Chicago on Election Day. Betsy Johnson and I were outraged by his stories, which reinforced my father&`&s belief that Mayor Richard J. Daley&`&s creative vote counting had won the election for President-Elect Kennedy. “母亲没教的,世界会教给你。”这是肯尼亚马萨伊部落的谚语。1960年秋,我的世界逐渐扩大,政治嗅觉也比以往敏锐。肯尼迪当选总统,令支持尼克松的父亲大为惊恐,我八年级的社会课老师凯文也是如此。选举的第二天,凯文先生到学校后露出身上的淤斑给我们看,说他在芝加哥的选区投票所因为质疑民主党籍监票员的行为被打。贝琪和我听了义愤填膺,这也让我对父亲的说法深信不疑。父亲认为芝加哥市长理查德·戴利发明的计票方法为肯尼迪赢得了总统宝座。 A few days later, Betsy heard about a group of Republicans asking for volunteers to check voter lists against addresses to uncover vote fraud. Betsy and I decided to participate.We knew our parents would never give us permission, so we didn&`&t ask. The turnout must have been less than expected. We were each handed a stack of voter registration lists and assigned to different teams who, we were told, would drive us to our destinations, drop us off and pick us up a few hours later. 数日后,贝琪听说一群共和党人正在招募志愿人员,以核对选民名册与居住地址,希望揭露选举舞弊。我和贝琪决定加入。我们知道父母绝对不会同意,所以没有跟他们讲。参加的人数显然低于预期,因此我和贝琪各拿到一大堆选民名册。我们俩被分配到不同的小组,由各组负责送我们到目的地,数小时后再接回来。 Betsy and I separated and went off with total strangers. I ended up with a couple who drove me to the South Side, dropped me off in a poor neighborhood and told me to knock on doors and ask people their names so I could compare them with registration lists to find evidence to overturn the election. Off I went, fearless and stupid. I did find a vacant lot that was listed as the address for about a dozen alleged voters. I woke up a lot of people who stumbled to the door or yelled at me to go away. 贝琪和我分别后,就跟完全不认识的人出发了。我和一对夫妇同组,他们载我到南城,要我负责一个落后街区的核对工作,指示我先敲门,询问住户的姓名,查核是否和选民名册相符,以便找出能推翻选举结果的证据。我就这么走进社区,一副天不怕地不怕的愚蠢相。我的确发现了一座空房子,却登记了十多位选民。我搅了不少人的清梦,他们跌跌撞撞走到门口,开了门对我咆哮,叫我滚蛋。 When I finished, I stood on the corner waiting to be picked up, happy that I&`&d ferreted out proof of my father&`&s contention that “Daley stole the election for Kennedy”unquot. 事情做完后,我站在街角等着车子带我回去,我很兴奋,因为我为父亲的“戴利帮肯尼迪偷到了总统”的说法找到了证据。 Of course, when I returned home and told my father where I had been, he went nuts. It was bad enough to go downtown without an adult, but to go to the South Side alone sent him into a yelling fit. And besides, he said, Kennedy was going to be President whether we liked it or not. 当然,回到家告诉父亲我的所作所为后,他狠狠地骂了我一顿。没有大人带着就自己跑到市区已是犯了大错,更糟的是还孤身一人跑到南城,这让他气得暴跳如雷。他说,无论我们接不接受,肯尼迪已当定了总统。 It&`&s a cliché now, but my high school in the early 1960s resembled the movie Grease or the television show Happy Days. I became President of the local fan club for Fabian, a teen idol, which consisted of me and two other girls. Paul McCartney was my favorite Beatle. Years later, when I met icons from my youth,like Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Mick Jagger, I didn&`&t know whether to shake hands or jump up and down squealing. 虽是老话重提,但我的中学生活的确就像电影《油脂》或电视剧《快乐时光》的剧情。我是青少年偶像法比安的影迷会会长,会员包括我和两个女孩。在披头士中我最喜欢保罗·麦卡特尼。多年后,当我和青少年时期的偶像——保罗·麦卡特尼、乔治·哈里森、米克·贾格尔——面对面时,我都不知道该握手呢还是该兴奋得又叫又跳。 All, however, was not okay during my high school years. I was sitting in geometry class on November 22, 1963, puzzling over one of Mr. Craddock&`&s problems, when another teacher came to tell us President Kennedy had been shot in Dallas. The halls were silent as thousands of students walked in disbelief and denial to the school auditorium. Finally, our principal came in and said we would be dismissed early. 但我的中学岁月并非一帆风顺。1963年11月22日,我正在上几何课,苦思几何学老师克拉多克先生所出的难题,此时另外一位老师走进教室,告诉大家肯尼迪总统在达拉斯遭人开枪暗杀。走廊里听不到任何讲话声,数千名学生抱着怀疑的、不肯相信的心情走进体育馆。最后校长进来了,宣布提早放学。 When I got home, I found my mother in front of the television set watching Walter Cronkite. Cronkite announced that President Kennedy had died at 1 P.M. Central Standard Time. She confessed that she had voted for Kennedy and felt so sorry for his wife and children. So did I.I also felt sorry for our country and I wanted to help in some way, although I had no idea how. 当我回到家时,发现妈妈坐在电视机前看新闻。沃尔特·克伦凯特宣布肯尼迪总统已在中部标准时间下午一点过世。母亲坦言当初她投了肯尼迪一票,现在她为他的妻子和孩子深感难过。我也是如此。我也为我们的国家感到难过,希望多少能帮点忙,尽管我不知道从何帮起。 I clearly expected to work for a living, and I was lucky to have parents who never tried to mold me into any category or career. In fact, I don&`&t remember a friend&`&s parent or a teacher ever telling me or my friends that "girls can&`&t do this" or "girls shouldn&`&t do that." Sometimes, though, the message got through in other ways. 我当然希望能够自立谋生,幸运的是我拥有开明的父母,他们从不曾试图强迫我去做什么,或成为什么样的人。事实上,我不记得有哪位长辈或老师对我或我的朋友说过“女孩子要有女孩子的样子”,或“女孩子不应该这样做”之类的话。虽然有时这类信息会以其他的方式传到我们的耳中。 I had always been fascinated by exploration and space travel, maybe in part because my dad was so concerned about America lagging behind Russia. President Kennedy&`&s vow to put men on the moon excited me, and I wrote to NASA to volunteer for astronaut training. I received a letter back informing me that they were not accepting girls in the program. It was the first time I had hit an obstacle I couldn&`&t overcome with hard work and determination, and I was outraged. 我一向对宇宙探索和太空旅行着迷,部分也许是因为父亲的关系,他老是为美国的太空事业落后于俄国而耿耿于怀。肯尼迪总统上台后发誓将人类送上月球,这让我极其兴奋,并写信给国家航空和航天局,表明愿意参加宇航员训练计划。我收到的回信告诉我该计划不接受女性报名。这是我第一次碰到再怎么努力、再怎么有决心也冲不破的障碍,我感到忿忿难平。 I was interested in politics from an early age. I successfully ran for student council and junior class Vice President. I was also an active Young Republican and, later, a Goldwater girl, right down to my cow girl outfit and straw cowboy hat emblazoned with the slogan "AuH,O." 我从小对政治感兴趣。我成功当选学生会代表,并当上副班长。我是“青年共和党”的活跃分子,后来成了一个戈尔德沃特派女孩,牛仔外套和牛仔帽上都别着“AuH2O”的标语。