

2016-05-25    02'02''

主播: 北教培优学院

624 54

Hafid pushed aside the half-eaten loaf of bread 海菲把啃了一半的面包推到一旁, and considered his unhappy fate. 想着自己坎坷的命运, Tomorrow would be his fourth day in Bethlehem 明天就是他抵达伯利恒的第四天了, and the single red robe that he had carried so confidently away from the caravan 他满怀信心带来的那件红袍子, was still in the pack on the back of his animal, 仍然原封不动地放在牲口背上的包袱里。 now tethered to a stake in the cave behind the inn. 牲口已经拴在客栈后面的山洞里了。 He heard not the noise that surrounded him in the overcrowded dining hall 客栈里人声嘈杂,他却像全然不知, as he scowled at his unfinished meal. 只皱着眉,愣愣地看着桌上没吃完的晚餐。 Doubts that have assailed every seller 那些有史以来困扰着每个推销员的问题, since the beginning of time passed through his mind: 向他袭来。 "Why will the people not listen to my story? “为什么人们不愿听我说什么? How does one command their attention? 怎样才能引起他们的注意? Why do they close their door before I have said five words? 为什么不等我开口,他们就把门关上了? Why do they lose interest in my talk and walk away? 为什么他们对我的话不感兴趣? Is everyone poor in this town? 这个小镇上的人都那么穷吗? What can I say when they tell me they like the robe 要是他们说喜欢我的袍子, but cannot afford it? 可是买不起,那我又能说什么呢? Why do so many tell me to return at a later date? 为什么好多人都叫我过几天再去? How do others sell when I cannot? 我卖不掉这袍子的话,别人能卖掉吗? What is this fear that seizes me when I approach a closed door 每次要敲门的时候,心中就有说不出的恐惧,这到底是怎么回事? and how can I overcome it? 怎么才能克服这种恐惧? Is my price not in line with the other sellers?" 是不是我比别人卖得贵了? He shook his head in disgust at his failure. 他摇着头,对自己的失败很不满意。 Perhaps this was not the life for him. 也许他不适合干这行, Perhaps he should remain a camel boy 也许他还是应该回去重新喂养骆驼, and continue earning only coppers for each day's labor. 继续做每天只能赚取几个铜板的苦工。 As a seller of goods 要是他能把袍子卖掉, he would indeed be fortunate 回去见到主人, if he returned to the caravan with any profit at all. 该有多么风光! What had Pathros called him? 柏萨罗叫他什么来着? A young soldier? 年轻的勇士? He wished, momentarily, that he were back with his animals. 此时此刻,他多么希望自己能带着成群的牲口衣锦还乡啊! Then his thoughts turned to Lisha 他又想到了丽莎, and to her stern father, Calneh, 想到她那势利眼的父亲卡奈。 and the doubts quickly left ... his mind. 于是,他很快打消了这些犹豫不决的念头。 Tonight he would again sleep in the hills 再在山上将就一夜吧, to conserve his funds 看好行李, and tomorrow he would sell the robe. 明天一早再去碰碰运气。