Five Balls of Life

Five Balls of Life

2021-03-16    02'26''

主播: 优途教育

485 2

配乐及文字归原版权方或原作者所有 录音、剪辑:优小Mou 背景音乐:押尾コータロー - TIME AFTER TIME Five Balls of Life ——节选自《生命中的五个球》 Don't give up when you still have something to give. 当你还能给予的时候就别轻言放弃。 Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. 只要你不放弃,就有无限延伸的可能。 Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect. 别害怕承认你并不完美。 It is this fragile thread that binds us each together. 正因如此,我们才得以藉由这犹丝脆弱紧密地绑在一起。 Don't be afraid to encounter risks. 遇到危险时别害怕。 It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave. 正因如此,我们才得以藉由这些机会学习勇敢。 Don't shut love out of your life by saying it's impossible to find. 另以爱太难寻找作为借口而紧闭你的心扉。 The quickest way to receive love is to give it; 最迅速找到爱的方法就是给予你的爱; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly; 最快速失去爱的方法就是紧紧地守着你的爱。 and the best way to keep love is to give it wings. 维持爱的最快好方式就是给爱一双翅膀。 Don't run through life so fast that you forget not only where you've been, but also where you are going. 不要匆忙地度过你的一生,那匆忙让你忘了曾经到过哪里,也让你忘了你要去哪里。 Don't forget that a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated. 别忘记,人类情感上最大的需要是感恩。 Don't be afraid to learn. 不要害怕学习。 Knowledge is weightless, 知识没有重量, a treasure you can always carry easily. 它是可以随身携带的珍宝。 Don't use time or words carelessly. 别漫不经心地蹉跎光阴或口无遮拦。 Neither can be retrieved. 时间与言词两者都是一放就收不回来的。 Life is not a race, 生命不是一场赛跑, but a journey to be savored each step of the way. 而是一步一个脚印的旅程。 Yesterday is history. 昨天已成历史。 Tomorrow is a mystery. 明天还是未知。 Today is a gift. 而今天则是上天的恩赐。 That's why we call it The Present. 因此,我们才称今天为“现在”。 今日FM Speaker ----------- Neo 卜迅 四川外国语大学英语笔译硕士研究生 多年成人口语教学经验、注重学生的掌握与运用 省级师范技能比赛三等奖 省级翻译笔译比赛一等奖、省级口译比赛三等奖 擅长生活口语、社交口语、课堂氛围活跃 高级英语教师资格证、英语专八证
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