

2016-08-16    03'11''

主播: 快乐四班

162 8

破案 林子里最近老有东西被偷。昨晚,小猫家的一袋豆子被偷了。小猫立即报了案,猩猩警官和狗警察很快就赶来了。 Recently, things in the forest were always stolen. Last night a bag of beans in the little cat’s home was stolen by a thief. The little cat reported the case to the police station at once. Then Officer Orangutang and the Policeman Dog came quickly. 猩猩警官拿着放大镜东瞅瞅、西瞧瞧,狗警察也趴在地上,东闻闻、西嗅嗅。忙了一阵子,它们没有发现任何线索。 The Officer Orangutang took a magnifying glass and looked here and there. And the Policeman Dog bent over to the ground to smell everywhere. After a few minutes, they still didn’t find any clue. 正在这时,小兔子跑进来说:“我发现线索了!”猩猩警官一听:“快说,什么线索?”小兔说:“屋后的草地上有掉落的豆子!” At that time, the little rabbit ran into the house and said:“I have found an important clue!” the Officer Orangutang asked:“Be quick. What’s the clue?” He said:“there are fallen beans on the grass behind the house.” 猩猩警官和狗警察在屋后果然发现了豆子,是顺着小路掉的。它们沿着掉豆子的路一直找下去,最后到了老狼的家门口。 The Officer Orangutang and the Policeman Dog did find beans. They were fallen across the path. So they looked for the beans following the path and finally came to the old wolf’s home. 原来是老狼干的!狗敲开了门,它们在狼的家里搜到了小猫的豆子和几件其它动物的东西。最后,猩猩警官把老狼押回了警察局。 Originally it’s done by this guy! The Policeman Dog opened the door and found the little cat’s beans and a few things of other animals at the old wolf’s home. At last, the Officer Orangutang took him to the police station.