Bigger Gotta believe it 得相信它 Believe it like a fairytale 难道要相信那只是童话? The tooth under your pillowcase 你的牙齿躲在你的牙套下 And know I won't I won't 我知道 我不会的 不会的 Ever let you down (No) 永远不会让你失望 Like a Seesawing down 我相信我不会再让你像坐跷跷板那样一次次从充满希望到失望 You know why 你知道为什么 Cuz we ain't on the playground no more 我们已经不再游戏 We're big enough to stand in the front line 我们已经长大(跨越成年线) We're big enough to stand next to love 我们已经有能力去爱 I was a player when I was little 尽管我们曾经只是游戏 but now I'm bigger I'm bigger 但是现在我们已经长大 已经成熟 A heart-breaker when I was little 尽管年轻时我曾让你伤心 but now I'm bigger I'm bigger 但是我已经长大 已经成熟 And all the haters I swear 我发誓:所有憎恨我的人 They look so small from up here 那些阻止你和我在一起的人 现在看起来那么渺小 Cuz we're bigger, love's bigger 因为我们已经长大 我们的爱变得成熟 I'm bigger and you're bigger 我长大了 你也长大了 Whoa oh I remember when my heart was young 记得当年我幼稚的想法 You were still bigger than me 你始终比我更有有信心 Is that the reason that you stayed 这难道是你等我的原因么? Most would've got rid of me 许多人希望离开我 Now the boys in the school yard 现在孩子们在操场上 Can't think my hugs 无法想象我的固执 and my kisses are from her 她却无数次亲吻我 When ain't pushed over no more babe 我们没有被风雨打到 We're big enough to stand in the front line 我们已经长大(跨越成年线) We're big enough to stand next to love 我们已经有能力去爱 I was a player when I was little 尽管我们曾经只是游戏 but now I'm bigger I'm bigger 但是现在我们已经长大 已经成熟 A heart-breaker when I was little尽管年轻时我曾让你伤心 but now I'm bigger I'm bigger 但是我已经长大 已经成熟 And all the haters I swear 我发誓:所有憎恨我的人 They look so small from up here 那些阻止你和我在一起的人 现在看起来那么渺小 Cuz we're bigger, love's bigger 因为我们已经长大 我们的爱变得成熟 I'm bigger and you're bigger 我长大了 你也长大了 I was a player when I was little 尽管我们曾经只是游戏 but now I'm bigger I'm bigger 但是我已经长大 已经成熟 A heart-breaker when I was little 尽管年轻时我曾让你伤心 but now I'm bigger I'm bigger 但是我已经长大 已经成熟 And all the haters I swear 我发誓:所有憎恨我的人 They look so small from up here 那些阻止你和我在一起的人 现在看起来那么渺小 Cuz we're bigger, love's bigger 因为我们已经长大 我们的爱变得成熟 I'm bigger and you're bigger 我长大了 你也长大了 (Remember those stroll down street)记得曾经一起走在小路上 I remember that 我记得 (Don't like Edle Lane?) Like Yesterday (好像是伊德尔的小巷) 就像是昨天 (They shine on me) We were little then (他们把我扔在一旁)我们那时候都很小 (In class I dreamed about you) My baby (在课堂上我梦到你)我的宝贝 You wow wow (You wow wow) Since then all I can remember is 从那时开始我能感受到 the love only got Bigger 我们的爱越来越深 I was a player when I was little 尽管我们曾经只是游戏 but now I'm bigger I'm bigger 但是我已经长大 已经成熟 A heart-breaker when I was little 尽管年轻时我曾让你伤心 but now I'm bigger I'm bigger 但是我已经长大 已经成熟 And all the haters I swear 我发誓:所有憎恨我的人 They look so small from up here 那些阻止你和我在一起的人 现在看起来那么渺小 Cuz we're bigger, love's bigger因为我们已经长大 我们的爱变得成熟 I'm bigger and you're bigger 我长大了 你也长大了 I was a player when I was little尽管我们曾经只是游戏 but now I'm bigger I'm bigger 但是我已经长大 已经成熟 A heart-breaker when I was little 尽管年轻时我曾让你伤心 but now I'm bigger I'm bigger 但是我已经长大 已经成熟 And all the haters I swear 我发誓:所有憎恨我的人 They look so small from up here 那些阻止你和我在一起的人 现在看起来那么渺小 Cuz we're bigger, love's bigger 因为我们已经长大 我们的爱变得成熟 I'm bigger and you're bigger 我长大了 你也长大了
上一期: Where Are U Now
下一期: born to be somebody