[性格描述] 内向外向

[性格描述] 内向外向

2017-12-25    06'39''

主播: 雨霓🐌

11 1

大家好,我是雨霓。让我们继续看看描述人物性格的短语。今天我们要看的是两种截然相反的性格:内向型和外向型。一般我们会用shy害羞、talkative健谈的这两个词去形容这两种性格,那么让我们看看还可以用哪些习语表达呢? keep to himself(uk also keep himself to himself)沉默寡言,喜欢独处,不常与人交谈 例句: ?My grandfather was a quiet man who kept to himself. 我的祖父是一个很安静的人,不常与人交谈。 wear your heart on your sleeve 流露感情 例句: You need to learn not to wear your heart on your sleeve all the time. 你要学会不能时时刻刻那么情绪化。? the life and soul of the party (社交活动的)灵魂人物,中心人物 例句: We cannot be without him. He is truely the life and soul of the party. 他是我们的中心人物,我们可不能少了他。