可听距离 within/out of earshot

可听距离 within/out of earshot

2018-03-18    06'13''

主播: 雨霓🐌

31 0

大家好,我是雨霓。回顾前几期,我们学习了“洗耳恭听”be all ears,“心不在焉”地听 listen with half an ear,“竖起耳朵”仔细听 prick up one's ears。今天我们来介绍的两个短语衍生自同一个词“earshot”the range of distance within which it is possible to be heard or to hear what someone is saying听力可及的范围;可听距离。 由此衍生的短语有:within earshot,以及out of earshot。分别表示在听力可及范围内,听力可及范围外。常搭配be,come,get,move使用。 I don't think you should say anything while the boss is still in/within earshot. 我觉得,老板还没走远你应该什么也别说。 Wait till she's out of earshot before you say anything. 等她走远听不见了,你再说不迟。 As soon as I got within earshot of the music, I decided that I really didn't belong here. 我走近到听到那音乐,就知道这不是我呆的地方。 Mary waited until her children were out of earshot before mentioning the presents she got them. 玛丽等她的孩子们走远了才开始讲她给他们准备的礼物。