晴时有雨雨中晴 - 英文

晴时有雨雨中晴 - 英文

2017-06-07    03'42''

主播: 米纶溪

246 4

早年很喜欢的一首歌 不插电版 静静欣赏 Wings ~ Birdy - 英文 歌词转载:莎士比亚书店 Sunlight comes creeping in 阳光慵懒地照射进来 Illuminates our skin 我们的脸庞被静静照亮 We watch the day go by 时光荏苒 Stories of all we did 回忆起那些我们的故事 It made me think of you 不禁让我思念起你 It made me think of you 无法停止地思念着你 Under a trillion stars 在群星璀璨的夜空下 We danced on top of cars 我们曾经手舞足蹈 Took pictures of the stage 用相片记录下我们的狂欢 So far from where we are 现在回忆起这些恍如隔世 They made me think of you 不禁让我思念起你 They made me think of you 无法停止地思念着你 Oh lights go down 灯光忽灭 In the moment we're lost and found 我们在拥挤人潮中患得患失 And I just want to be by your side 现在我只想静静陪在你身边 If these wings could fly 愿有一双能把我带到你身边的翅膀 For the rest of our lives 用尽余生来铭记于心 I'm in a foreign state 我如今在这陌生的国度 My thoughts they slip away 思绪飘向远方 My words are leaving me 难以表达这种感受 They go another place 呓语难再找寻 Because I thought of you 这都是因为我对你的思念 Just from the thought of you 专属于你的思念 Oh lights go down 灯光忽灭 In the moment we're lost and found 我们在拥挤人潮中患得患失 And I just want to be by your side 现在我只想静静陪在你身边 If these wings could fly 愿有一双能把我带到你身边的翅膀 Oh damn these walls 可是这些事与愿违的阻碍 In the moment we're ten feet tall 让空中的我们重重地摔落在地 And how you told me after it all 在此之后你告诉我 We remember tonight 我们只能将今晚铭记于心 For the rest of our lives 用尽余生来铭记于心 Ah ah ah ah ah... 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊...... If these wings could fly 愿有一双能把我带到你身边的翅膀 Oh lights go down 灯光忽灭 In the moment we're lost and found 我们在拥挤人潮中患得患失 And I just want to be by your side 现在我只想静静陪在你身边 If these wings could fly 愿有一双能把我带到你身边的翅膀 Oh damn these walls 可是这些事与愿违的阻碍 In the moment we're ten feet tall 让空中的我们重重地摔落在地 And how you told me after it all 在此之后你告诉我 We remember tonight 我们只能将今晚铭记于心 For the rest of our lives 用尽余生来铭记于心