

2016-03-27    04'04''

主播: Judy丽

133 8

一.复习QRST的相关单词: king&queen(国王和王后),question(问题),read(读书),red(红色),rope(绳子),river(河流),rainbow(彩虹),rain(下雨),snail(蜗牛),sheep(绵羊),shirt(衬衣),soap(肥皂),sun(太阳),spider(蜘蛛),snake(蛇),train(火车),tree(树木),turtle(乌龟),taxi(出租车),tea(茶),team(团队). 二.学习故事:I see you!(在课件第三列More Phonics里面的Unit1里面的第三个故事) 1.The boys and girls ran to the playground. 2.I see you in that tree. 3.I see you and you in the bushes. 4.I see you in that tire. 5.That was fun game of hide and seek. 生词:ran(run的过去式,说明跑步这个动作已经发生过了),playground(操场),bushes(灌木丛),fun(有趣的),game(游戏),tire(轮胎),hide and seek(捉迷藏). 注意that和this的区别: 1.What is this? 这是什么? 2.What is that? 那是什么?