

2016-04-20    10'54''

主播: 以沫 132

759 171

《吸血鬼日記》前情提要 Previously on The Vampire Diaries 12 一個多世紀以來 For over a century 13 我都秘密地活著 I have lived in secret until now. 14 我知道這很冒險 但我必須要認識她 I know the risk but I have to know her. 15 我叫埃琳娜 I'm Elena. 16 我叫斯特凡 I'm Stefan. 17 我知道 I know. 18 我是達蒙 斯特凡的哥哥 I'm Damon, Stefan's brother. 19 你沒告訴我你有個兄弟 You didn't tell me that you had a brother. 20 在她身旁 進入她的世界 Being around her, being in her world? 21 讓你覺得自己還活著是么 Does it make you feel alive? 22 他跟我說了你的前女友 凱瑟琳 He told me about your ex, Katherine? 23 她傷了你的心 She broke your heart. 24 那是很久以前的事了 That was a long time ago. 25 我給你她的手機號 I'm gonna give you Elena's cell number. 26 你到底想干什么 What are you up to? 27 我也正在想呢 而你就要 That's for me to know and for you to...dot dot dot. 28 我一直希望再見到你 I was hoping I'd see you again. 29 早上好 Good morning. 30 求你 Please... 31 不要 Don't. 32 不要這么做 Don't do that. 33 不 不 No! no! 34 不 No! 35 離我遠點兒 不要 Get away from me! No! 36 我們完全可以換個方式開頭 This could have gone a completely different way. 37 我不是說別和那家伙約會 I'm not saying don't date the guy. 38 我只是建議你慢慢來 I'm just saying take it slow. 39 你可是那個鼓勵我主動一點的人 You were the one who said to go for it. 40 現在我建議你慢慢來 Now I'm saying take it slow. 41 你為什么變卦了 Why the about-face? 1 42 這不是變卦 It's not an about-face. 43 在你的高中生涯里 You're single for the first time 44 你可是第一次切換到單身狀態 In your entire high school career. 45 這可是三心二意的最佳時機 It's the perfect time to play the field. 46 是啊 因為我就是這樣的女孩 Oh, because I'm so that girl. 47 說真的 你是不是有什么事隱瞞 Seriously, what are you not saying? 48 都是蠢話 It's stupid. 49 邦妮 Bonnie... 50 -什么 -有話直說 - What? - Spit it out. 51 我無意中碰到斯特凡 I accidentally touched Stefan 52 感應到了很多負面的能量 And got a really bad feeling. 53 是什么 Is that it? 54 邦妮 Bonnie. 55 就是特別的不好 It was bad bad! 56 又是你那套女巫巫術 Is the whole witch mojo thing again? 57 要知道 我只是擔心你 1/17页 You know what? I'm just concerned. 58 最好的朋友新交了男朋友 This is me expressing concern 59 我只是想表示一下關心 About my best friend's new boyfriend. 60 我很感激你這么做 真的 And I love you for it, I do. 61 但是我感覺很好 But I feel good. 62 今年過得很艱辛 It's been a hard year, 63 而現在 我開始有希望 And I'm starting to kind of feel like 64 覺得生活又恢復正常了 Things are getting back to normal again. 65 要知道 斯特凡起了絕大部分的作用 And you know what? Stefan is a big part of that. 66 我太厲害了 搞到了兩張 I rock. I scored 2 tickets 67 周六晚上裝腔作勢樂隊的票 To the Posers Saturday night. 68 他們會在"爛醉"酒吧唱歌 They're playing at the Rat. 69 祝你和泰勒玩得開心 You and Tyler have fun. 70 別這樣 Don't be like that. 71 來吧 我想和你去 Come on. I want you to go. 72 你怕別人知道 You're not worried everyone's going to know 73 你和一個吸粉的怪胎鬼混嗎 You're screwing the stoner geek? 74 不對 大家已經知道了 Oh, wait-- everyone already knows. 75 以后再也不會這樣的 Yeah. But it's not like that anymore, 76 所以我們可以成為朋友 然后出去玩 So now we can be friends and just hang. 77 告訴我 是為了毒品嗎 Tell me something, was it the drugs? 78 你和我睡覺是為了搞到毒品嗎 Were you sleeping with me because of the drugs? 79 去你的 Screw you. 80 說來聽聽 那到底是為了什么 No, if there's another reason, 81 我洗耳恭聽 Please, I'm all ears. 82 早上好 埃琳娜 Good morning, Elena. 83 早上好 邦妮 Good morning, Bonnie. 84 你好 我要去找卡羅琳 Hey, um, I gotta find Caroline. 85 她沒接電話 She's not answering her phone. 2 86 那一會見 So I'll see you guys later. 87 邦妮 等等 Bonnie, wait... 88 她不怎么喜歡我 She doesn't like me very much. 89 她還不了解你 She doesn't know you. 90 她是我最好的朋友 她只是擔心我 She's my best friend. She's just looking out for me. 91 如果她理解你了 But when she does, 92 她會喜歡你的 She will love you. 93 看 Look-- 94 埃琳娜和他的新男友在那邊 There's Elena and her new boyfriend. 95 他們在做什么呢 Now, what are they doing? 96 他們在散步 Oh, they're walking, 97 走啊 走啊 Walking, walking. 98 對 一直走到日落 Yep. Right into the sunset. 99 你真渾蛋 You're a dick. 100 而你就傻站在這里 活像七個小侏儒 While you just stand there looking like one 2/17页 of those 101 之一 Little yard trolls. 102 是小矮人 Gnomes. 103 我知道該怎么辦了 Here's what we're going to do. 104 你今晚有空嗎 Are you free tonight? 105 -有空 -太好了 - Yes. - Perfect. 106 晚飯 在我家 八點鐘 Dinner, my house. 8:00. 107 你 我 和邦妮 You, me, and bonnie. 108 你們花些時間了解下彼此 You two will spend some quality time. 109 之后她就知道你有多棒了 And she'll get to see what a great guy you are. 110 任務達成 Mission accomplished. 111 我還能做什么呢 泰 What am II supposed to do, Ty? 112 她已經做出選擇了 She made her choice. 113 讓她知道她選錯了 Let her know she made the wrong one. 114 你要干什么 What are you doing? 115 泰 不要 泰 不要 Ty, don't. Ty, don't! 116 泰 不要 Ty! Don't! 117 泰 Ty! 118 那一投太絕了 That throw was insane. 119 我不知道你會玩橄欖球 I didn't know you played football. 120 以前打 很久以前了 I used to. It was a long time ago. 121 那你怎么不試著加入球隊呢 So why don't you try out for the team? 122 沒想過 Yeah, I don't think so. 123 你不喜歡橄欖球嗎 So you don't like football? 124 不 我很喜歡橄欖球 是項很棒的運動 No, I love football. I think it's a great sport. 125 不過現在的情況是 But in this case, 126 我覺得是橄欖球不喜歡我 I don't think football likes me. 127 你看到泰勒的舉動了 You saw Tyler over there, 128 你我也都知道馬特怎么想的 And we both know how Matt feels. 129 他們不了解你 3 They don't know you. 130 對他們來說 你是個神秘又孤僻的人 To them, you're mysterious loner guy. 131 跟大家融洽一點又沒什么害處 Wouldn't hurt to be part of. 132 -交點朋友 -比如說那個 - Make some friends. - Says the girl 133 在墓地寫日記來打發時間的女孩啊 Who spends her alone time writing in a cemetery. 134 拜托 我可不是個只會 Hey, come on. There's more to me than just 135 膩在墓地郁悶的女孩 Gloomy graveyard girl. 136 還有個截然不同的埃琳娜你還沒見識過呢 There's a whole other Elena that you have yet to meet. 137 哪里都有她的影子 積極得很 She was into everything, very busy. 138 我很想見見她啊 Well, I look forward to meeting her. 139 什么時候呢 And when will that be? 140 快了 Soon. 141 她正在安排呢 She's working on it. 142 第二次世界大戰結束于... World war Ⅱ ended in... 143 有人知道點什么嗎 3/17页 Anyone got anything? 144 黃同學 1945年 Miss Juan? 1945. 145 小道消息 FYI... 146 我們的球隊遜斃了 他們可以指望你 Our team sucks. They could use you. 147 -不行 -偷襲珍珠港事件 - Can't. - Pearl Harbor. 148 我是個獨行俠 I'm a loner. 149 吉爾伯特小姐 Miss Gilbert? 150 珍珠港事件 Pearl Harbor? 151 1941年12月7日 December 7,1941. 152 謝謝啊 吉爾伯特小姐 Thank you, Miss Gilbert. 153 不客氣 Anytime. 154 很好 Very well. 155 柏林墻倒塌是什么時候 The Fall of the Berlin Wall. 156 1989年 1989. 157 我對日期很敏感的 老師 I'm good with dates, sir. 158 是嗎 Are you? 159 有多敏感 How good? 160 說出事件發生年份 Keep it to the year. 161 民權法案的頒布 Civil Rights Act. 162 1964年 1964. 163 約翰·F·肯尼迪遇刺 John F. kennedy Assassination. 164 1963年 1963. 165 -馬丁·路德·金遇刺 -1968年 - Martin Luther king. - '68. 166 -林肯遇刺 -1865年 - Lincoln. - 1865. 167 -羅伊訴韋德案 -1973年 - Roe VS. Wade. - 1973. 168 布朗控訴托皮卡教育委員會案 Brown VS. Board. 169 1954年 1954. 170 葛底斯堡之役 The Battle of Gettysburg. 171 1863年 1863. 172 朝鮮戰爭 Korean War. 173 1950至1953年 1950 to 1953. 174 錯了 朝鮮戰爭是52年結束的 Ha! it ended in '52. 175 事實上 老師 Uh, actually, sir, 176 是53年 4 It was '53. 177 誰來查一下 Look it up,somebody. 178 快 Quickly. 179 是1953年 It was 19...53. 180 你怎么會都知道呢 How did you know all of that? 181 年復一年的填字游戲 Years and years of crossword puzzles. 182 這是獨行俠專屬游戲 It's a loner thing. 183 干得漂亮 干得漂亮 Nice job! Nice job! 184 洛克伍德先生 你有在行的嗎 Mr. Lockwood, is there anything you're good at? 185 因為這不是歷史課 'Cause it isn't history, 186 也不是什么該死的防守戰 And it sure as hell isn't defending the ball! 187 是 教練 Yes, coach. 188 再來一次 Now do it again! 189 天啊 你來了 Oh, my god! You're here! 190 是啊 我可不想郁悶一輩子 Yep. I can't be sad girl forever. 191 讓一切恢復正常的唯一辦法就是 The only way to get things back to the way they 4/17页 were 192 去做原來做的事 Are to do things that were. 193 你今晚來我家吃飯吧 Oh, and you're coming to dinner tonight. 194 我嗎 I am? 195 你 我 還有斯特凡 You and me and Stefan. 196 你得給他個機會表現一下 You have to give him a chance. 197 今晚不行 Tonight's no good. 198 你看到卡羅琳了嗎 Have you seen Caroline? 199 我給她發了無數條短信了 I texted her like a hundred times. 200 別轉移話題 邦妮·貝內特 Don't change the subject, Bonnie Bennett. 201 你今晚一定得來 You're going to be there. 202 好吧 我會去的 Fine. I'll go. 203 很好 Good. 204 學校球隊的選拔賽是去年春天 Varsity trials were last spring, 205 塞爾瓦托先生 Mr. Salvatore. 206 我當時還沒來這里 教練 I wasn't here then, sir. 207 就我來說你現在也不存在 And you're not here now, as far as I'm concerned. 208 唐納先生 我知道我倆 Mr. Tanner, I realize that you and I 209 沒能開個好頭 Didn't get off to the best start, 210 我想為此向您道歉 And I want to apologize for that. 211 我以前打過橄欖球 I've played football before. 212 通常是外接手 而且我打得很棒 Wide receiver, mostly, and I'm pretty good. 213 我不會問你誰贏了71年的超級杯賽 Well, I won't be asking you who won the super bowl in '71. 214 71年是... '71 was the... 215 抱歉 我懂了 教練 Sorry. I.. I understand that, sir. 216 我想看看你怎么被打得屁滾尿流 Just to see you get knocked on your ass. 217 去借套行頭吧 Borrow some gear. 218 去啊 Go! 219 在我改變主意之前 再來一次 Before I change my mind. Let's run it again! 220 先搶我女朋友 現在又來球隊插一腳 First my girlfriend, now the team? 221 5 哥們兒 這可是個機會 Dude, this is an opportunity. 222 橄欖球可是項身體接觸的運動 Football's a contact sport. 223 有時難免有人受傷 Sometimes people get hurt. 224 說真的 卡羅琳上哪去了 Seriously, where is Caroline? 225 我不知道 這可不像她 I don't know. It's not like her. 226 再打給她試試 Try her again. 227 天哪 Oh, my god. 228 那肯定是那天在餐廳的神秘男子吧 That must be the mystery guy from the grill.