

2016-05-04    13'22''

主播: 以沫 132

687 137

你还记得上次 Do you remember the last time 我们在学校停车场的事吗 We were in the school parking lot? 不记得 Nope. 想不起来了 Doesn't ring a bell. -真的吗 -什么都想不起来了 - Really? - Nada. 尤其想不起我们在小货车里做爱 Especially not having sex in the minivan. 那真是美妙的一天 That was a good day. 怎么了 What? 你会把肥皂弄进戒指里的 You're getting soap in that. 没事 Oh, it's fine. 我看到达蒙也有一个 I noticed at Damon has one, too. 这戒指背后有什么故事吗 Is there a story behind it? 它是从意大利文艺复兴时期祖传下来的 Yeah, it's the family crest from the italian renaissance. 这是什么石头 What's the stone? 它叫天青石 It's called lapus lazuli. 你真的应该把它摘下来 You should really take it off. 可以先放在我包里 I could put it in my bag. 不用 没事 真的 9/15页 No, it's-- it's fine, really. 不过还是谢谢了 Thanks, though. 好吧 Ok. 我去拿几条毛巾 I'm gonna get some towels. 好 Ok. 我们的毛巾和泡沫罐快用完了 Hey, we're out of towels and those shimmy things. 我再去拿点 把钱看好 I'll go get some more. Mind the money. 卡罗琳 Caroline. 卡罗琳 救我 Caroline, help me. 卡罗琳 Caroline. 救我 Help me. 救我 Help me. 一共二十美元 That'll be 20$. 昨晚我见过你 I saw you last night. 当时你在跟我一个朋友说话 You were talking to a friend of mine, 在格尔酒吧 At the Grill? 我以为他是我认识的一个人 Well, I--I thought it was somebody I knew. 他叫斯特凡·塞尔瓦托 Stefan Salvatore. 不 不可能 Nah, it can't be. 只是我头脑发晕看错了 It's just my mind playing tricks on me. 你觉得以前在哪里见过他 Where do you think you'd seen him before? 当我刚搬到这里的时候 When I first moved here, 我住在塞尔瓦托公寓里 I stayed at the Salvatore boarding house. 斯特凡当时是来看望他叔叔的 Stefan was just passing through to visit his uncle. 我们都不知道他来了 I mean, none of us knew he was even here 直到那次袭击事件 Until the attack. 袭击事件 The attack? 他叔叔死了 His uncle got killed. 被森林里的野兽咬死了 Mauled by an animal in the woods. 他叔叔 是扎克吗 His uncle, Zach? 不是 是约瑟夫 Mm-mmm. Joseph. 抱歉 先生 I'm sorry, sir. 我想我没听过这段故事 I don't think I'm familiar with the story. 你怎么可能听过 Oh, how could you? 我是说 已经是很多年前的事了 I mean, this happened years ago. 爷爷 你得走了 妈妈要你回家 Grandpa, you gotta go. Mom wants you home. 好吗 Ok? 好吧 Ah. 他没有烦你吧 He wasn't bugging you, was he? 他有点老年痴呆 He's a little alzheimer. 没有 他很和蔼 No, he was sweet. 等等 先生 Hey, sir, 抱歉 你确定 I'm sorry. Um, are you sure 昨天你看到的那个人 That the man that you saw, 你认识的那个人 他叫斯特凡·塞尔瓦托吗 That you knew, his name was Stefan Salvatore? 我确定 Yes. 我记得他的戒指和他的哥哥 I remember his ring and his brother-- -达蒙 -是的 - Damon? - Yeah. 斯特凡·塞尔瓦托和达蒙·塞尔瓦托 Stefan and Damon Salvatore. 那是什么时候的事 When was this? 那是年的 It was early June, 月初 . 没错 Yeah. 就是年月 June, . 卡罗琳终于放你回来了啊 Caroline finally freed you, huh? 我不知道她去哪了 Uh, I don't know where she went. 她放我鸽子 She abandoned me. 我刚才想起来 我以前完全不知道 Hey, I realized earlier, I had no idea 你的家族是来自意大利的啊 That your family was from Italy. 你不知道吗 No? 塞尔瓦托这个姓没有提示你吗 Last name Salvatore didn't do it for you? 也对 Right. 我没注意 Duh. 神秘瀑布镇还有其他姓塞尔瓦托的人吗 Are there any other Salvatores in mystic falls? 还有我叔叔扎克 My uncle Zach. 其他的人都去哪了 Where did everyone else go? 估计是迁移走了 Kinda just spread out. 怎么了 Why? 只是想试着加深对你的了解 I'm just trying to learn more about you. 你要带我去哪 Where are you taking me? 我们不能总是躲在你房间里 We can't hide out in your room all the time. 欢迎来到我的另一个快乐天地 Welcome to my other favorite party place. 哪儿 这块坟地 What, the cemetary? 是的 很酷吧 Yeah. It's cool, huh? 薇姬 Yo, Vick! 怎么样 杰里德 What's up, Jared? 这是你保姆吗 多诺万 You baby-sitting, Donovan? 这是杰里米 他很酷 This is Jeremy. He's cool. 来一口 Smoke up. 您的车一小时前已经洗好了 Your car was done an hour ago. 你说这么大声干什么 You're saying that out loud why? 你好 是埃琳娜吧 Hi. Elena, right? 你九岁的时候我见过你一次 I think I met you once when you were . 我们在一起的时候你可没有现在的风度 Your emotional maturity level when we were together. 天呐 我还以为我们的关系有进展了呢 Ouch. Here I thought we were making progress. 他足够受到你的青睐吗 Is he enough in your good graces 因为我想请他帮个忙 That I can ask him for a favor? 我要是帮她个忙 If I do her a favor, 能重新赢得你的青睐吗 Will I get back in your good graces? 你们两个太难拒绝了 Uh, a very reluctant maybe to both. 成交 等等 一个附加条件 Done. Wait. One condition. 今晚在你家共进晚餐 Dinner, tonight, your house. 可以 但你得吃剩饭 Fine. But you're eating leftovers. 你想要什么 What do you need? 你有权查看过去的新闻档案吗 Do you have access to old news stories, 比如年前的 Say, fifties? 可以 在电视台里就行 Yeah, at the station. 有了档案库和互联网 Between the archives and the internet, 我们几乎无所不有 We pretty much have everything. 我有个拖欠没交的报告 I have this report way past due. 那些资料会救我一命的 It'd be a life saver. 现在就去吧 11/15页 Heading there now. 我们走 Let's go. 要是有人问起 就说不知道我去哪里了 If anyone asks, you don't know where I went. 我可不想让卡罗琳知道我溜掉了 I don't want Caroline to know that I left. 卡罗琳 帮帮我 Caroline, help me. 帮帮我 Help me. 卡罗琳 Caroline. 达蒙 Damon? 达蒙 Damon? 达蒙 Damon? 我的天 Oh, my god! 这是怎么回事 What is this? 我怎么会知道你在这里的 How did I know that you were here? 因为我想要你知道 Because I wanted you to. 非常 非常想 Very, very badly. 放我出去 Let me out of here. 求你了 Please. 你咬了我 You bit me. 你喜欢的 You liked it. 记得吗 Remember? 为什么我一直记住同样的事情 Why do I keep remembering the same things, 但记住的方式却不一样 But in different ways? 你记住的是我想要你记住的事 You remember what I want you to remember. 而现在马鞭草控制了你的身体 And now that the vervain has passed out of your system, 你会记不住自己要做什么 You won't remember what you're about to do. 我要做什么 What am I about to do? 你要打开这扇门 You're gonna open the door. 你要打开这扇门 You're gonna open the door. 不 不 No! No! 离开这里 Get out of here. 快跑 Run! 快跑 Run! 该打扫了 Sweeper duty. 什么 What? 我们得清扫人行道 We have to clean the pavement. 这是在洗车 It's a car wash. 从定义来看 人行道是干净的 By definition, the pavement's clean. 但却是湿的 But not dry. 为什么要我做 And I'm doing this why? 卡罗琳溜掉了 所以由我来负责 Caroline bailed, so that leave me in charge. 真离谱 Fabulous. 邦妮 Bonnie! 邦妮 Bonnie! 邦妮 Bonnie! 刚才怎么了 What just happened? 你刚才好像有点恍惚 You were in some kind of a trance. 这是我做的吗 Did I do this? 我想是的 I think so, yes. 没别人看到 对不对 Nobody else saw, did they? 不要告诉任何人 Don't tell anybody. 求你了 Please. 去年我们把所有档案数字化了 We digitized all our archives last year. 你可以在屏幕上播放所有旧录像 You can pull all the remote footage right up on screen. 你到底想找什么 What is it exactly you're looking for? 年的一场事故 12/15页 An incident from , 如果它发生过的话 If it even happened-- 在老塞尔瓦托公寓 At the old Salvatore boarding house. 抱歉 等一下 Sorry, one second. 是我 Yeah? 着火了 Fire? 好的 我马上就来 All right, I'll be right there. 我得走了 I gotta go. 你相信这个镇上有真正的新闻吗 You believe there's actual news to cover in this town? 好了 使用关键词来搜索数据库 All right, use keywords to search the database. 操作很简单的 It's pretty easy to navigate. 要是有问题 那边的布莱迪会帮你解决 And Brady down in tech will help you out with anything you need. 你能在珍娜那里为我美言几句吗 Could you put in a good word for me with Jenna? 放心吧 You got it. 好的 祝你好运 All right. Good luck. 怎么了 What? 我在墓地里飘飘欲仙 I'm stoned in a cemetery. 他们不会介意的 他们死 了 They don't mind, they're dead. 我要在上一个级别 You know what? I gotta take this up a notch. 汤尼 Hey, Tony. 真不错 Nice. 薇姬带来的薇姬香草糖 Vickies from Vicki. 谢谢你 埃琳娜· 吉尔伯特 Well, thank you, Elena Gilbert, 管你是谁呢 Whoever you are. 你从我家拿来的吗 You took those from the house? 她又用不着了 She wasn't using it. 她会发现它们不见了的 这可不妙 She's gonna notice if they're gone. That's not cool. 又不是什么大事 杰里米 It's no big deal, Jer. 就是大事 薇姬 Yeah, it kinda is, Vick. 不是吧 哥们 Damn, dude. 薇姬带来个正义先锋 Vicki brought the party police. 闭嘴 汤尼 Shut up, Tony. 对不起 我并不想惹你生气 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad. 我们在干嘛 和一群失败的人 Well, what are we doing, partying in a cemetery -在墓地里开派对 -他们是我的朋友 - With a bunch of losers? - Those are my friends. 他们只是一群浪费地方的乡巴佬 They're waste of space small-town lifers. 是吗 那我呢 Yeah? What am I? 你不一样 薇姬 You're different, Vick. 不一样的是你 No, you are. 你是家大业大的少爷 You're the kid with the big house 因为父母双亡才会变成这样 以此宣泄 Who's acting out because his parents died. 猜猜怎么着 你会挺过去的 Guess what-- You'll get over it. 你会振作起来 继续前进 You will pull yourself together, move on, 将来某天会给你的孩子们讲述 And one day tell your kids stories 你成长历程中这段黑色的时期 About your dark period growing up. 而我则还在这里 在格尔酒吧当服务生 And I'll still be here, waiting tables at the grill, 跟一群乡巴佬一起 Partying at the cemetery 13/15页 在墓地里开派对 With a bunch of waste of space small-town lifers. 你走吧 杰里米 Look-- go home, Jeremy. 如果我想让自己感觉生活很糟 If I want to feel like crap about myself, 我会回去找泰勒 I'll just go back to Tyler. 看到埃琳娜了吗 Hey, have you seen Elena? 没有 有一会没见了 No, not for a while. 她回家了吗 You think she went home? -不确定 -谢谢 - Not sure. - Thanks. 等等 Hey. 我说这些话不是为了你 I'm not saying this for you. 我是为了她 I'm saying it for her. 总之她是个很爱追根究底的人 But she's big on trust. 所以不论你对她隐瞒着什么 So whatever you're holding back from her, 你想隐瞒得越多 The more you try to hide it, 她就越不会罢休 直至弄清楚为止 The more she won't stop till she figures it out. 这是迈克尔·费尔 This is Michael Fell 在塞尔瓦托公寓为您带来的现场报道 Reporting to you from the Salvatore boarding house,