

2016-06-25    12'16''

主播: 以沫 132

2437 128

不用 谢了No. Thank you. 放松点 我没有杀任何人Relax. I didn't kill anyone for it. 我和一位抽血医师约会过几次This phlebotomist I went out with a few times 他给我供货He's my supplier. 别评判我的所为 可以吗Oh, don't judge, ok? 听我说 我尝试过只喝动物血Listen, I tried the animal diet. 只坚持到第三周Lasted 3 weeks. 没有关系Doesn't matter. 如果我又开始喝人血的话 我不知道'Cause if I started again, I just--I don't know. 你是否能停下来If you could stop. 莱希 我从来没有评判你Lexi, I'd never judge you. 你的自制力让我嫉妒I'm just jealous of your restraint. 因为我一点都没有I have none. 我是一名享乐主义者I delight in hedonism. 说到享乐Speaking of which, 今晚我们该做什么呢What are we doing tonight? 问的正好Funny you should ask. 我又没问你Well, I wasn't asking you. 在格尔酒吧有个派对 你一定会喜欢的There's a party at the Grill. You'll love it. 软长椅 烂俗的服务生Banquettes, tacky wait staff. 全是斯特凡的朋友们All of stefan's friends. 我不想要生日派对Yeah, don't want a birthday party. 那可不是专门为你办的 只是一个派对罢了Well, it's not for you. It's a party party. 没人知道今天是你的生日no one's gonna know it's your birthday 是卡罗琳办的Caroline's throwing it. 达蒙 离卡罗琳远点Damon, stay away from Caroline. 我们是朋友 这样很好We're friends. It's cool. 必须让小镇上的人看到 It's important for the town to see us 我们也过着和正常人一样的生活out and about like normal folk. 我们得融入他们We need to blend. 我更喜欢新鲜的活人血液I prefer mine at 98.6. [华氏98.6度等于摄氏37度 此处暗示人的体温] 我们也去吧Let's go. 拜托啦Please? 不可思议吧It's weird, huh. 一直在拿通灵的事开玩笑After all this time joking about being psychic, 结果我真的是一个女巫I really am a witch. 你不会认为我是个怪胎吧 会吗You don't think I'm a freak now, do you? 不会 当然不会了No. Of course not. 邦妮 我只是 我还是不太明白Uh, bonnie, I just-- I don't understand, though. 如果你外婆要你保守秘密If your grams asked you to keep all this a secret, 你为什么要告诉我Why did you tell me? 你是我最好的朋友啊You're my best friend. 我不能对你也保密啊I can't keep secrets from you. 我快好了哦I'm almost ready. 真不敢相信你竟然真的觉得我们该去Can't believe you actually think that we should go to this thing. 我又不是让你在正午时分It's not I'm asking you to run outside 不带戒指在太阳底下炙烤Midday without your ring. 我说真的 那可是个派对啊I mean, seriously, it's a party. 是个达蒙想要我们去的派对 你知道的A party that damon wants to go to, you know. 因此我纳闷的是 为什么?So my question is, "why?" 我觉得他在预谋什么I think he's up to something. 那又怎样 我是说 在公共场合Who cares? I mean, what can he possibly do 在众人面前 他又能做什么呢In front of all those people in a public place?他知道如何低调行事 相信我He knows how to keep a low profile, believe me. 也就是说 他会注意举止的Ok. So he'll behave. 别这样 一年就一天啊Come on. One day a year, I get you, 就一天 One day 不用沉浸在自己的世界里 而借机尽情放纵that you're not brooding and existing in your own head. 今天是我过生日吧It's my birthday, yeah? 是我的日子 而那个It's my day, and that guy 曾赤身裸体跳进许愿池里That jumped naked in the trevi fountain 在自由女神的火炬上醉卧的人And got drunk on the torch of the statue of liberty, 他可以暂时将担忧放一边 好好放松That guy can take a break from all of his worrying for one night. 去参加一个愚蠢的聚会And go to a stupid party. 所以不要发牢骚了So quit your whining... 去准备准备吧And go get ready. 那好吧Fine. 门是开着的 进来吧It's open. come on in. 天呐Oh, my god. 怎么会How, uh... 你是谁Who... 我叫埃琳娜Uh, I'm elena. 你呢Who are you? 我叫莱希 是斯特凡的朋友Lexi, a friend of Stefan's. 他在吗Is he here? 他正在淋浴He's in the shower. 要等他一会儿吗Um, do you wanna wait? 不了No. 我会告诉他你来过的I'll tell him you stopped by. 不用了That's ok. 你小子是不是疯了Are you out of your freaking mind? 你在说什么呢What are you talking about? 我刚才见到埃琳娜了I just met Elena. 你得好好解释解释了You have some serious explaining to do. 你绝对有严重的情伤问题You have some serious emotional damage. 不 不是你想的那样No, it's not what you think. 她不是凯瑟琳She's not Katherine. 恐怕她们是亲戚 可能是双胞胎Then they're related, because they could be twins. 我不知道I don't know. 你不知道 你没有发现?You don't know. You--you didn't find out? 不是 可能是我不想知道No. Maybe I don't wanna know 我不想把埃琳娜和凯瑟琳扯到一起I have--I have no desire to tie Elena to Katherine. 好吧 是的 的确Ok, yes, yes, the-- 外貌的相似是我亲近她的原因The resemblance is what drew me in, 但仅此而已But that's it. 凯瑟琳和埃琳娜也许外表相同Katherine and Elena may look the same on the outside, 但说到内在 她们完全不同But on the inside, they are completely different. 如此说来 埃琳娜不是个小贱人咯Oh, so Elena's not a raging bitch then, huh?当然不是 埃琳娜...No. No, Elena is... 她很温暖Elena's warm, 而且And she's-- 她善良 有同情心She's kind, and she's caring, 无私And she's selfless, 感觉很真实And it's real. 坦白说 当我和她在一起And honestly, when I'm around her, 我可以完全忘记自己的真实身份I--I completely forget what I am. 天呐Oh, my god. 你爱上她了You're in love with her. 没错Yeah, I am. 派对很棒 对吧Amazing party, right? 多亏你啊Glad you thought of it. 你玩的开心吗Well, are you having a good time? 拿到我的水晶没Do you have my crystal? 没No. 那我就开心不起来Then I'm not having a good time. 我弟弟呢Where's my brother? 他说在这里碰头Said he'd meet me here. 但你Buy you a... 你来这里做什么What are you doing here? 莱希说你来我家找过我Um, Lexi said that you came by 而且 你好像很不安And you--you seemed upset. 不错Right. 缠着浴巾的女孩The girl in the towel. 浴巾The towel? 噢 不Oh. No, no. 不是 不是no, no, no, no. Um... 不是那样的Not like that. No. 她其实都算不上是个女孩 莱希Uh, she's not exactly a girl. Lexi's-- 她有350岁了Um, she's 350 years old. 你是说她是...You mean she's a... 她是我交情最老的朋友And she's my oldest friend. 没别的关系Nothing romantic. 从来都没Ever. 好吧Ok, well... 她一直盯着我She kept staring at me. 很奇怪It was weird. 要知道 我一直跟她提起你 所以Well, you know, I've talked about you a lot, so... 我猜她觉得与你似曾相识Guess she felt like she knew you. 那你去找我做什么So why'd you come by? 我I, uh-- 是个错误It was a mistake. 埃琳娜 跟我说吧Elena, talk to me. 不行I can't. 斯特凡 问题就是我不能跟你说Stefan, I can't, and that's the problem. 我向所有人隐瞒一堆秘密I'm keeping all these secrets from everyone. 甚至不能告诉我最好的朋友I can't even tell my best friend. 你知道那有多难吗Do you know how hard that is? 就像我想和别人诉说It's like I need to talk to someone, 但我唯一能诉说的人只有...你But the only person I can talk to is you, 还有...And... 我要你知道I want you to know 我会一直在你身边支持你That I will always be here for you. 你有任何事都可以来找我 好吗You can come to me about anything, ok? 谢谢你过来Well, thank you for coming by. 嘿 要我载你去格尔酒吧吗Hey, do you need a ride to the Grill tonight? 你要去卡罗琳的派对吗Are you going to caroline's party? 莱希非让我去Lexi's dragging me. 还有...And... 今天我生日It's my birthday. 真的吗Really? 那就祝你生日快乐啦Happy birthday then. 谢谢Thank you. 实际上 我...Actually, I, um-- 今晚我想待在家里I think I'm gonna stay in tonight. 那好吧Ok. 祝你有个愉快的夜晚Well, have-- Have a good night. 邦妮Bonnie! 我一直在找你Hey, I've been looking for you. 首先我要说我很抱歉I'm totally sorry to do this. 我知道给别人东西又要回来很恶心I know it's so indian giver 而且我们不该再提这事儿了And I know we're not even supposed to say that anymore, 但是我得要回我的水晶But I need my crystal back. 为什么 你说你不喜欢它Why? You said you hated it. 但是当我看到你戴着它Then I saw it on you 我觉得它简直太美了And I realized how great it is. 而且我有三件衣服可以和它搭配and I've got, like, 3 outfits I can coordinate it with, so-- 我不能还给你I can't give it back to you. 那好Ok. 我本来不想这么说的Uh, well, I didn't want to have to tell you this 但我是你朋友 当你戴上它时But I'm your friend. When you wear it, 让你显得很胖It makes you look fat. 就是这样 我说了There. I said it, 可那是因为我是你的朋友But it's because I'm your friend, so-- 卡罗琳 对不起 我不能还你I'm sorry. Caroline, I can't. 什么 不能还是什么意思 邦妮 那是我的Well, what do you mean that you can't, Bonnie? It's mine. -你之前不是说那是达蒙的吗 -是的- I thought you said it was damon's. - Well, it is. 所以是他想要回水晶So he's the one who really wants it back? 不No. 也许...Maybe. Just-- 你衣服是涤纶的吗Are you wearing polyester? 你刚才真打算从我脖子上抢走吗You were really gonna pull it from my neck? 你怎么回事What the hell is wrong with you? 马特Matt. 听我把话说完好吗Just hear me out? 求你了Please? 我只是想帮薇姬I was just trying to help Vicki. Uh... 我也曾和她有过相似的经历I went through something similar once. 实在是抱歉I'm really sorry.恐怕我得看一下你的证件You know, I need to see some I.D. 不 不需要No, you don't. 价钱一共是...That'll be, uh-- 免费Free. 免费提供On the house. 谢谢Thanks. 传闻中的埃琳娜Ah, the famous Elena. 浴巾女孩Towel girl. 我有被叫过更糟的外号I've been called worse. 给你Here. 我不知道你们吸血鬼还可以喝酒I didn't know that you guys could drink. 对 酒对减轻血瘾有帮助Oh, yeah. It helps curb the cravings, 但却造就了很多的"吸血醉鬼"But makes for a lot of lushy vamps. 我从没见斯特凡醉过You know, I've never seen Stefan drunk. 他看起来总是那么...He always seems so... 严肃吗Uptight? 是 是Yeah. Yeah. 但和你在一起时就不会But not with you. 可能是因为我认识他已经过百年了Well, that's the benefit of knowing someone for over 100 years. 他在我面前可以无拘无束You can just be yourself. 是啊 他在我面前就不能无拘无束Yeah, he can't be himself with me. 快了Well, not yet. 他告诉你真实身份已经算迈出了一大步The first step was him telling you. 剩下的需要时间The rest comes with time. 你看起来很有把握You seem so sure. 我当年的至爱也是人类The love of my life was human. 他经历过的那些 我想你也正经历着He went through what I imagine you're going through-- 否认 愤怒 等等Denial, anger, et cetera. 但是经过一路的风风雨雨But at the end of the day, 爱情最终战胜了一切Love really did conquer all. 你那杯酒还要喝吗Are you gonna drink that? 不喝了Oh. No. 你请吧Go for it. 我很害怕I'm scared.