

2016-07-25    14'30''

主播: 以沫 132

4498 238

杰里米刚和我谈到他的论文Jeremy was just telling me about his paper. 谢谢你给他第二次机会Thanks for giving him another chance. 哦 今天是我第一天代课Oh, you know, it was my first day. 想给大家留个好印象I wanted to make a good impression. 斯特凡...So, Stefan... 我一直在想...You know, I been thinking... 我们应该从头开始I think we should start over 给我们兄弟间一次和好的机会Give this brother thing another chance. 我们当年关系那么亲密We used to do it oh, so well once upon a time. 我不想 达蒙I don't, Damon.我不信你可以做个好人I can't trust you to be a nice guy. 你...你害了那么多人 你很卑鄙You...you kill everybody, and you're so mean. 你真卑鄙 还...You're so mean, and... 要模仿你还真挺难的You're really hard to imitate, 还得把自己放在弱者的可怜地位And then I have to go to that lesser place. 给我来杯咖啡Can I get a coffee, please? 一个人喝闷酒吗So what's with the bottle? 我很烦躁 速效节食I'm on edge. Crash diet, 我试着做个低调的人And I'm trying to keep a low profile. 你可以直接离开Mm. You could always just leave, 找个新的小镇 将之变成你的吸血天堂Find a new town to turn into your own personal gas 'n' sip. 我看着办吧I'll manage. 你不需要来监视我You know, you don't have to keep an eye on me. 我不是来监视你的I'm not here to keep an eye on you. 那你来干什么So why are you here? 为什么不能来Why not? 我很抱歉I'm sorry. 听到了吧 我说了There. I said it. 你如果想要那条愚蠢的项链的话If you want the ugly-ass necklace, 留着Keep it. 是你的了It's yours. 如果我说我把它扔了 你会生我气吗Will you hate me if I tell you I threw it away? 你把它扔了You threw it away? 我知道有点疯狂I know it sounds crazy, 但这条项链总是给我带来噩梦But the necklace was giving me nightmares. 我得摆脱掉I had to get rid of it. 你可以直接还给我You could have just given it back to me. 为什么 这样你就可以给达蒙了Why? so you could give it back to Damon? 达蒙去死吧Screw Damon. 我们是来修指甲还是干什么Are we doing manicures or what? 谁有指甲刀who has their kit? 我的在包里Mine's in my bag. 那么...埃琳娜So, Elena... hmm? 你和斯特凡的恩怨还要持续到什么时候How long do you think this fight with Stefan's gonna last? 难道是永久的吗Is it like a permanent thing? 我不知道 卡罗琳I don't know, Caroline. 嘿 邦妮 你为何要做个大骗子Heh. Why are you such a little liar, Bonnie? -什么 -卡罗琳- What? - Caroline! 我没有骗你 卡罗琳 我发誓I'm not lying to you, Caroline. I swear. 是真的 我看她把项链扔到野外的It's true. I watched her throw it into a field. 那这怎么解释Well, then explain it. 艾米莉Emily. -谁是艾米莉 -那个鬼魂- Who's Emily? -The ghost. 那个鬼魂现在有名字了Oh, the ghost has a name now? 卡罗琳 别这样Caroline, please. 我很奇怪她为什么总缠着我I wonder why she won't leave me alone. 好了 现在是什么状况Ok, what is going on? 为什么我总是插不上话Why am I not a part of this conversation? 你们总这样对我You guys do this to me all the time. -不是这样的 -是这样的- That's not true. - Yes, it is. 我跟你没法谈 你都不听我说话I can't talk to you. You don't listen. 才不是呢That's not true. 我是个女巫I'm a witch.我们不早就知道了吗And don't we all know it? 瞧 我说了吧See? That's what I'm talking about. 我想告诉你一些事情 可你听都不听I'm trying to tell you something. You don't even hear it. 我听着呢I listen. 我什么时候没听呢When do I not listen? 杰里米完全把我抛弃了Jeremy totally ditched me. 他去哪了Where'd he go? 回家 离这不远 他可以走回去Home. It's not far. He can walk it. 那你是本地人 还是从城里来的So are you... are you from here? Are you a townie? 我是个返乡者I'm a returnee. 离开过一段时间 现在回来了Left town for a while. Now I'm back. -为什么离开 -去上学- Why'd you leave? - school. 告诉你真正的原因吧And then there's the real reason. 我受情伤了I was wronged. 那人叫罗根Guy named Logan. 他怎么你了What'd he do? 老一套Basics... 说谎 出轨Lied, cheated, 哄骗我的原谅 然后再次抛弃我Lured me back in, left me again. 该你说了 有什么悲伤恋情故事吗Your turn. Any sad relationship stories? 也是老一套The basics... 相爱 早婚Fell in love, married young, 后来我妻子死了My wife died. 通常一说起这个 就聊不下去了Yeah. that's always a good conversation stopper. 怎么回事What happened? 你和我 还有Well, you, me, and the, uh, 北卡罗来纳州的警察局North carolina police department 都同样在困惑她的死因Are all wondering the same thing. 就是所谓的冻结悬案It's, uh...it's what's known as a cold case. 那你为什么搬来这里So why'd you move here? 我想换个生活Oh, a change of pace, 看看新风景New scenery. 我喜欢小镇...I like it here. It's... 历史文化浓厚Got a rich history. 幸运射中Lucky shot. 更像是小心磨练几十年的技能More like a carefully honed skill over many decades. 你要赶超我了You're beating me. 没错Well, yeah. 因为我比你厉害It's because I'm better than you. 你的心思我一清二楚 跟我玩逆反心理学I'm onto you. Reverse psychology? 我是说 虽然太明显了I mean, it's a little transparent, 但我还是佩服你敢于尝试的精神But I admire the effort. 你更喜欢我愁眉紧锁的样子吗You prefer the brooding forehead? 说真的 你到底在玩什么把戏Seriously, what game do you think you're playing? 真是个有趣的问题 因为That's a funny question considering the fact 几个月来我也一直在问你同样的问题That I have been asking you that for months. 感觉很受挫啊 是吧It's frustrating, isn't it? 让你说对了Touche. 邦妮Bonnie. 听着 那不是我的风格Look, it's just not me, ok? 我不相信那些...I don't believe in the... 神魔鬼怪的事情Whoo whoo. 但如果你信的话 那好吧 我也信But if you do, then ok. I'm in. 只要你信 我就跟你保持一致That's all it takes for me to jump on board, 因为我把你当做最好的朋友Because I consider you to be my best friend. 我鼓起勇气才说出来的 And I'm saying this 因为我知道 埃琳娜正在厨房听着我的每句话knowing that Elena's in the kitchen listening to my every word. 听着 我不知道你有多相信这些事Look, I didn't know how real this was for you, 但我现在愿意倾听But I'm listening now. 好吗Ok? 埃琳娜 你可以进来了 我们谈完了Elena, you can come in now. We're done. 剧情真是峰回路转啊Well, there is just way too much drama in this room.你们想怎么做So what do you guys wanna do? 我有个主意I have an idea. 不如我们来个降神会吧Why don't we have a seance 我可不觉得这是个好主意I don't think that's a good idea. 来吧 咱们来召唤鬼魂吧Come on. Let's summon some spirits. 那个叫艾米莉的小妞得把事情解释清楚This Emily chick has some serious explaining to do. 我们在干什么呢What are we doing? 不知道I don't know. 安静 集中精神Be quiet and concentrate. 好了 闭上双眼Ok, close your eyes. 现在 深吸一口气Ok, now take a deep breath. 邦妮 开始召唤她吧Bonnie, call to her. 艾米莉Emily... 你在吗You there? 不是吧 "艾米莉 你在吗"Really? "Emily, you邦妮 开门Bonnie! Open the... 开门Open the door! 发生什么了 你还好吗What happened? Are you ok? 我没事I'm fine. 难以置信Unbelievable. 你居然完全是装的You were totally faking it. 卡罗琳 算了Caroline, come on. 不 你把我魂都吓出来了No, you scared the hell out of me. 邦妮Bonnie? 我没事I'm fine. 一切都很好Everything's fine. 你如何让凯瑟琳重返人世How can you bring Katherine back? 在凯瑟琳和其他人被烧死在教堂之前Before Katherine and the others were killed in the church, 你还记得当时镇里的情景吗You remember what it was like in this town? 记得 到处都是疯狂和恐慌Yeah, I remember the fear and the hysteria. 居民们把吸血鬼一个一个杀死The townspeople were killing vampires one by one. 当他们要对凯瑟琳下手的时候 When they came for Katherine, 我去找了艾米莉I went straight to Emily, 我对她说 "只要你能保护凯瑟琳"Said, "I'll do anything. name your price." "我愿意付出任何代价""Just protect her." 她做到了She did. 怎么做的How? 她对一块水晶念咒施法She did some kind of spell with the crystal. 当教堂着火的时候And while the church was burning, 我们都以为凯瑟琳被烧死在里面We thought Katherine was burning in it. 事实上并没有She wasn't. 但我看见她走进去了But I...I saw her go inside. 在教堂下面有一座地下坟墓There's a tomb underneath the church. 魔咒把凯瑟琳封印在了坟墓里 保护着她The spell sealed Katherine in that tomb, protecting her. 你是说凯瑟琳还活着吗Are you telling me that Katherine's alive? 你想这么说的话也可以Well, if that's what you wanna call it. 她在一间神秘的牢房里She's been trapped in a mystical holding cell 被困了一个半世纪For the last century and a half. 不过你很了解饥饿的吸血鬼的感受But you're an expert on a starving vampire, 所以你觉得她现状如何呢 斯特凡So how do you think she's doin', stef? 你知道巫师能够利用天体活动Did you know that witches can use celestial events 吸收能量并注入到他们的魔法里吗to draw energy into their magic? 开始我也不知道Pfft. Me either. 但是为了赋予水晶能量But in order to give the crystal its power, 艾米莉利用飞过头顶的彗星吸收能量Emily used the comet that was passing overhead, 而为了使水晶重新发挥作用And in order for that crystal to work again... 彗星必须轮回一次The comet had to return. 弊端是 彗星轮回一次需要很多年Downside...long time in between comets 而水晶在历史的流传中也容易发生意外And a couple of hiccups along the way with the crystal, 但最终等到彗星再临 我也得到了水晶But the comet passed, and I got the crystal. 然后又到了卡罗琳手里And then Caroline got the crystal, 现在又到了邦妮手里And now Bonnie has the crystal, 然后就是现在这样了And here we are. 艾米莉为什么Why would Emily... 她为什么要帮你Why would she do this for you? 因为她知道他们最终也会对她下手的Because she kwew they were gonna come for her, too, 她要我保证她的血脉能够流存下去And she made me promise that her lineage would survive. 我记得 你救了她的孩子I remember. You... you saved her children. 没错 正是因为这个原因Yeah. It's the only thing keeping me 我才没有咬断邦妮的喉咙From ripping that little Bonnie girl's 夺回我的水晶Throat out to get my crystal back. 毕竟 说话要算数嘛Oh, well. Deal's a deal. 那么So... 还想继续玩吗You wanna go throw some more? 不敢相信我竟然听信了你那一套I can't believe I fell for it. -你没事吧 -我必须走了- Are you ok? - I must go. 她走 我也走She's leaving, I'm leaving. -你们不能走 -当然可以- You guys can't leave. -Oh, I can.我受够了一晚上乱七八糟假女巫的怪事I've had enough freaky fake witch stuff for one night. 谢谢你们陪我Thank you for having me. 现在我一个人可以了I'll take it from here. 你要去哪里Where are you going? -回到一切开始的地方 -邦妮- Back to where it all began. - Bonnie. 邦妮Bonnie. 天啊Oh, my god. 艾米莉Emily! 我不能让他得到I won't let him have it. 必须毁掉它It must be destroyed. 等等Wait!