

2016-10-17    18'03''

主播: 以沫 132

15889 352

广播新闻Broadcast journalism? 是 广播新闻专业Yes. Broadcast journalism. 怎么用这种眼神看我Why are you looking at me like that? 你连报纸都不看You don't even read the paper. 莉兹Liz. 罗根Logan. 你想怎样 用木桩钉死我吗What are you gonna do, stake me? 把我埋到另一座浅坟里Bury me in another shallow grave? 这次又会发什么内容的电邮What would the e-mail say this time? -我没得选择 -你个婊子- I didn't have a choice. - You bitch. 我为你而死 为这个镇而死I died for you, for this town. 你看着我长大You've known me since I was , 而你又把我当垃圾一样扔掉And you swept me under the rug like dirt. 你知道你参与的是什么性质的事You knew what you were getting into. 我曾经是你们的一分子I was one of you. 而现在你是他们一伙的了And now you're one of them. 小心点 警长Watch your back, sheriff. 马上派一队人来学校Get a backup team to the school immediately. 把学校包围起来 号吸血鬼出现Keep it within the circle. It's a v. 我不知道你会画画啊I didn't know you drew. 选修课学的It's an elective. 真不错 你也喜欢绘图吧'Cause it's good stuff. You like graphics? 因为 那可是我的爱好呢'Cause that's, uh-- that's kind of my thing. 等等 你这是在干嘛Whoa. whoa. What are you doin'? 只是讨论一下我们又一个共同点Well, it's just something else we have in common. 还有其他共同点吗 薇姬吗And what's the other thing? Vicki? 因为我们上过同一个女人 就要成为好友吗Let's hang out because we did the same chick? 去找和她上过床的其他男人当朋友吧Go be friends with one of the many other guys that she screwed. 估计可以排成长队呢There's no shortage of 'em. 行了 收手 猛男All right, work it out, tough guy. 你们两个 跟我来You two, follow me. 等一下 镇长先生Excuse me, mayor. 你要带他们去哪里Where are you takin' 'em? 我要跟他们好好谈谈I'm gonna talk to 'em. 握手言和最好了 你不觉得吗All fights should end in handshakes, don't you think? 邦妮 你在哪里 我要走了Bonnie, where are you? I'm ready to go. 我在外面等你I'll be outside. 失意少女Hey, damsel in distress. 要搭车吗Need a ride? 天啊 第九频道的罗根·费尔 是你吗Oh, my god. Logan Fell, channel , is that you? 我给你当过保姆呢 卡罗琳·福布斯 别挖苦我I used to baby-sit you, Caroline Forbes. Don't mock me. 我本打算和邦妮一起回家Well, I was supposed to go home with Bonnie, 可现在找不到她了But I can't find her. 没什么啊 真的It's not a problem, really. -反正我顺路 -好吧- It's on my way. - Ok. 真是命运使然啊You know, this is fate. 为什么这么说And why is that? 因为我对广播新闻很感兴趣'Cause I'm interested in broadcast journalism. 我能向你请教几个问题吗So can I ask you a couple questions? 随便问吧Anything you want. -首先 系上安全带 -好- First, buckle up. - Ok 你看到那个播新闻的罗根·费尔了吗Have you seen Logan Fell, the news guy? 看到了 他刚刚载卡罗琳回家Yeah. He just gave Caroline a ride home. 待在这里Stay here. 好了Ok. 现在就来好好解决吧Let's get this out of your system. 快啊 打啊Go ahead. Fight. 你要我们什么You want us to what? 我不会跟他打架 爸I'm not gonna fight him, dad. 我也不会 先生I don't think so, sir. 别在里面像娘们一样打You don't fight in there like pansies. 出来像个男人一样狠狠干一架 然后撇开恩怨You take it outside, fight your battl like men, and move on 我父亲这样教我的Best lesson my dad taught me. 开始解决吧So let's settle it. 打啊Fight. -拜托 老爸 -我不会动手的- Come on, dad. - It's not gonna happen. 我说动手I said fight! 你们在干什么Whoa. What's goin' on out here? 让他们自己解决问题啊Just lettin' these kids work it out. 我们很好 你进去吧We're good here, go back inside. 我不打算进去I don't wanna go back inside. 我要你回答我What I want is an answer to my question. 到底是怎么回事What's goin' on out here? 你知道在和谁说话吗Who do you think you're talking to? 我看起来像学生吗Do I look like a student? 你看起来像一个四肢发达的中年蠢蛋No, you look like a full-grown Alpha-male douche bag. 你竟敢对我出言不逊You don't talk to me like that. 我一句话 你就可能失业的I can have your job like this. 如果你那么做You do that. 那么你我也将在此大干一架 解决问题了Then it'll be you and me in this parking lot working things out. 你觉得行吗You cool with that? -给我小心点 -没问题- You just marked yourself. - Ok. 你没事吧You all right? 你在哪Where are you? 你女儿刚刚表达了对新闻业的兴趣Your daughter has expressed an interest in journalism. 我觉得有必要好好培养一下年轻人I think it's important to foster young minds. 你想干什么What do you want? 把你女儿变成吸血鬼The satisfaction of turning your daughter into a vampire. 因果报应真的很讨厌啊 不是吗Payback's a bitch, isn't it? 带她走Get her out of here. 罗根 怎么了 罗根Logan, what happened?! Logan! 警长 我是达蒙Sheriff. Hey-it's damon. -卡罗琳呢 -她很好 我们在榆树街- Where's Caroline? - She's ok. I-I'm on Elm Street. 我再问你一遍Gonna try this one more time. 谁转化的你Who turned you? 我说了不知道I told you I don't know. 这个铁棍一下就能让你的脑袋搬家This tire iron here could take your head clean off. 这是你的最终答案吗Is that your final answer? 你怎么能和他们一伙How can you side with them? 我没有和任何人同伙I don't side with anyone. 你惹毛我了 我要你死You pissed me off, I want you dead. -谁转化的你 -我不知道- Who turned you? - I don't know! 好吧 你完了oh, well. You're screwed. -等等 我知道 -你在说谎- Wait, wait! I know. - You're lying. 你以为只有你一个人You think you're the only one that wants to get 想进教堂下的古墓吗In that tomb underneath the old church? 如果你在说谎 我就灭了你If you are lying to me, I will end you. 我没有说谎 有另外一条路可以进去I am not lying. There's another way to break the spell. 我们可以帮你We can help you. 在老教堂等我Meet me at the old church. 把我打倒 像真的一样Take me down. Make it look real. 真实一点Make it look real. -她在哪儿 -她没事- Where is she? - She's ok. -上帝 -我弟弟把她带回家了- Oh, god. - My brother's taken her ho. 对不起 警长I'm sorry, sheriff. 我力气不如他大I just wasn't strong enough. 卡罗琳呢Caroline? 她没事 我送她回家了She's ok. I took her home. 她被吓着了 但她只知道She was shaken up, but all she knows 罗根袭击了她 没有别的Is Logan attacked her. Nothing else. 罗根在哪Where's logan? 达蒙在处理Damon's dealing with it. 是以.As in. 你看到今天发生了什么You saw what happened today, right? 我的意思是 你明白为什么我们不能I mean, you understand why we can't. 在一起 你明白吗Be together? You see it? 我才开始明白好多事 斯特凡Yeah, I'm starting to see a lot of things, Stefan. 走吧 我Come on. I'll, uh-- 我载你一程I'll give you a ride. 我可以自己回家Uh, I can get home. 我知道I know. 好吧 那也好All right. That'd be nice. 你要干什么What do you want? 我不知道I don't know. 我觉得你父亲好奇怪I, uh--I thought that was weird withyour dad, 他的所为What he did 他经常那样吗 他是不是.Is he like that all the time? Is that-- 你一直过着这样的生活吗Is that what you gotta go through? 兄弟 我明白了Man, I--I get it. 我明白的I get it. 你是怎么了What's your problem? 听着 我不需要你的同情Look, I don't need your pity. 说实话 你不必那这样Seriously, you don't have to be like this. -不必 -快走- You don't. - Just go. 你到底怎么了 兄弟What's your problem, man? 我不知道I don't know, ok. 我真的不知道I don't know. 我之前说的那些What I said before 关于你要离开的话 很刻薄about you leaving, it was harsh. 不 不 你有权对我生气No, no. You--you had every right. 你问我对未来有什么规划You asked me what I wanted my future to be. 我想当个作家I wanted to be a writer. 我妈妈想让我向那方面发展My mom sort of pushed me into that direction 从我识字那一刻起就抱此期望From the time I was able to read. 她支持我 鼓励我She supported me, encouraged me, 第一本日记本是她给我买的Bought me my first journal, 然后她去世了And then she died. 我觉得自己不可能再当作家了And I can't see myself being a writer anymore. 因为那是我和妈妈共同的梦想That was something that we shared. 我知道你认为是你I know that you think that you brought 让我的生活变得很糟糕All of this bad stuff into my life, 但是我的生活以前就很糟糕了But my life already had it. -我早就深陷其中 -那不一样-I was buried in it. -This is different. 那也不会让我的疼痛减少一分It doesn't make it any less painful. 我知道这很难理解I know that it's-- that it's hard to understand. 但我离开是为了你好But I'm doing this for you. 不No. 你不能替我做决定You don't get to make that decision for me. 你若离开 那也是为你自己 If you walk away, it's for you, 因为我很清楚我想要什么because I know what I want. 斯特凡 我爱你Stefan, I love you. 不要Don't. 埃琳娜 我不能Elena, I can't. 你可以的Yes, you can. 不要躲避我Don't hide from me. -你是谁 -珍娜的朋友- Who are you? - A friend of Jenna's. 珍娜让你来的吗Jenna sent you? 我自己来的I came on my own. 明白了Ah. I get it. 伙计 我知道你孤身前来 会让你显得很勇敢Well, buddy, I know you think this makes you brave, 不过事实上你愚蠢透了But actually it makes you pretty stupid. 无论如何 我已经来了Either way, here I am. 你想要干嘛What do you want? 珍娜是一个好人 好人该有好报Ah, Jenna's a good person. She deserves the best. 我是为了她得到幸福的生活I'm here to make sure she gets it. 你是在威胁我吗Was that supposed to be a threat? 打我一拳试试Couldn't you throw a punch? 稍稍激怒我一下Maybe provoke me a little? 我可不是暴力男I'm not a violent guy by design. 你也不是聪明男啊Well, you're not a very smart one, either. 此话怎讲How's that? 因为你不知道在跟谁说话Cause you have no idea who you're talking to. 送我回去I need a ride. 好的Sure. 听我说 我喜欢卡罗琳Look, I like Caroline. 她有着独特的魅力She's got this thing, this way about her, 但我喜欢And I like her, ok? 我不会强辩 也不会因此道歉And I'm not gonna defend it or apologize about it. 好的Ok. 所以别再八卦我和她的关系So stop your little Bromance bitch act. 好的Ok. 我马上到I'll be right there. 以前没到你房间来过I've never been in your room before. 多年来都没怎么变Well, hasn't changed much over the years. 你所有的东西都留在这里吗Do you leave everything here when you come and go? 这是唯一不变的地方It's the only place that has remained constant. 它装着我所有的回忆This room holds every memory 保存着我最珍贵的东西That I ever thought was important enough to hold on to. 很多回忆啊A lot of memories. 是的Yeah. 你渴了吗You thirsty or anything? 有点 你呢A little. You? 我没事I'm fine. 我去给你拿点喝的Let me get you something to drink, ok? 好Ok. 喂Hello. 我只是想向你道谢I just wanted to say thank you. 我不知道你怎么做到的I don't know how you did it. 我没听明白Uh, not following. 我们在旧仓库找到罗根的尸体了We found Logan's body out by the old fell warehouse