

2019-05-19    02'57''

主播: loren(劳伦英语)

239 2

中级班第十一课:不活在别人的评价里 Jealousy and emotional abuse are like poisons. 嫉妒和精神虐待(冷暴力)像是一种毒药。 It took me way too long to figure out this.我很久才明白这个道理。 I realize that I was just surrounded by toxic people whose objective was to limit my potentials.我意识到自己被不怀好意的人包围,他们的目标是限制我的潜能。 I was just fed so many lies by people that I would never achieve anything. 我听了太多旁人的谎言,告诉我会一事无成。 I was so weak and cowardly to push back these kind of harmful judgements.我太软弱和胆小,以致于不能推回这些伤害人的评价。 I have lived a pathetic life that based on the judgments made by mean people.我一直过着可悲的生活,这种生活是建立在恶毒的人的评价的。 As I grew up,I realized that my life is nothing like that .Some people are just green-eyed.当我长大了,我意识到我的生活才不是那样。有些人就是爱嫉妒。 Although life is not completely fair, I don’t feel inferior to anyone else. 虽说生活不是完全公平的,但我不会低人一等。 I am no worse than anyone because I have my own strengths and advantages.我不比任何人差,因为我有自己的优势与强项。