Welcome to join Steven's Wechat Chinese Course 21

Welcome to join Steven's Wechat Chinese Course 21

2016-06-09    01'46''

主播: 跟Steven老师学英语

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Hello, everyone . This is Steven Xing . I teach Chinese based in Guangzhou. I also teach Chinese on Wechat . Welcome to join my Wechat Chinese course . Please follow my Wechat official account: ICCHINESE My contact : My Wechat /phone: 15918594672 My e-Mail : 1085937270@qq.com If you want to speak and write Chinese, the first step you need to take is to make commitment to do it, no matter how busy you are, no matter how tired, frustrated and disappointed you feel. You should always believe that as long as you persist, your Chinese will be better and better. You should practice Chinese each and every single day once you make the decision to do it. Don’t procrastinate, otherwise you will regret. Try to ask yourself a question -- Pain of discipline and pain of regret, which one do you prefer? Anyway, the only secret to speak and write fantastic Chinese is to practice, practice and practice. Duǎn wǔ jié 端午节 Dragon boat festival Zòng zī 粽子 Traditional Chinese rice dumplings Sài lóng zhōu 赛龙舟 dragon boat racing Zài duǎn wǔ jié ,rén men xǐ huān chī zòng zī .在端午节,人们喜欢吃粽子。 Peolple like to eat the rice dumplings during the dragon boat festival . Rén men 人们 means people 谢谢同胞们的聆听,如果好听请动动小指头转发到您的朋友圈,谢谢^_^