The Very Hungry Caterpillar非常饥饿的毛毛虫

The Very Hungry Caterpillar非常饥饿的毛毛虫

2016-11-27    02'03''

主播: 成長調頻+

697 12

The Very Hungry Caterpillar 月光下,叶子上躺着一颗小小的卵。 In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf. 星期天早上,太阳升起来,“砰!”从卵里爬出来一条又小又饿的毛毛虫。他是那么的小,那么的苍白,这个时候他唯一的感觉就是:“好饿啊!好饿啊!” One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and –pop!-out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. He was so tiny and pale. He could not feel anything but starving. 又小又饿的毛毛虫开始去找吃的。 So he started to look for some food. 他找到了一棵长满了彩色苹果的耀中树。 He found a YewChung Tree covered with colourful apples. “哇!多美的树啊!”小毛毛虫惊叹道,“我要怎样才能成为那样美丽的事物呢?” “Wow, what a beautiful tree!” The little caterpillar cried out, “How can I be a beautiful thing like that?” “来尝尝我的苹果吧!”大树慈祥地摇了摇他的叶子。 “Come taste my apples!” The big Yewchung tree shook his leaves kindly. 星期一他吃了一个红色的苹果,嘭!他的一截身体变成了爱心。可毛毛虫还是好饿。 On Monday he ate through a red apple and –bang! - One part of his body had turned into Caring. But he was still hungry. 星期二他吃了一个橙色的苹果,嘭!他的一截身体变成了勇气。可是毛毛虫还是好饿。 On Tuesday he ate through an orange apple and-bang! - One part of his body had turned into Courage. But he was still hungry. 星期三他吃了一个亮黄的苹果,嘭!他的一截身体变成了文化。可毛毛虫还是好饿。 On Wednesday he ate through a yellow apple and- bang! - One part of his body had turned into Multi-Culturalism. But he was still hungry. 星期四他吃了一个绿色的苹果,嘭!他的一截身体变成了合作。可毛毛虫还是好饿。 On Thursday he ate through a green apple and –bang! - One part of his body had turned into Cooperation. But he was still hungry. 星期五他吃了一个蓝色的苹果,嘭!他的一截身体变成了坚持。可毛毛虫还是好饿。 On Friday he ate through a blue apple and-bang! - One part of his body had turned into Consistency. But he was still hungry. 星期六,他吃了一个紫色的苹果,嘭!他的一截身体变成了责任。 On Saturday he ate through a purple apple and –bang! - One part of his body had turned into Responsibility. 现在毛毛虫再也不是又苍白又饥饿啦,他长成一条彩色的大大的毛毛虫啦。夜晚来临了,他给自己造了一个叫做茧的小小房子,他在温柔的月光下甜甜地睡着了。 The caterpillar was no longer tiny and hungry. He had grown into a big beautiful caterpillar. When the night came down, he built himself a little cocoon house. And then he fell asleep while the moon cast her gentle light on the fields. 第二天又是星期天。睡在茧里的毛毛虫醒过来了,他把茧咬了一个小小的洞,使劲地钻了出来。 The next day was Sunday. The caterpillar that slept in the cocoon woke up. He bit a hole in the cocoon and got out of it with all his might. 哎呀呀,瞧瞧那是谁呀!!!那只又小又饿的毛毛虫变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶! Oh look, who’s that? The caterpillar that was once so tiny and hungry had transformed into a beautiful butterfly! 美丽的蝴蝶开心地绕着耀中树飞来飞去,“谢谢你!”蝴蝶说:“谢谢你给与我的一切!” The beautiful butterfly flew over the Yewchung Tree happily, “thank you!” the butterfly said, “thank you for all the things you’ve given to me!” 大树摇摇他的树叶:“也谢谢你,你让这个世界变得更美丽了!孩子,朝你的梦想飞去吧!” The tree shook his leaves:” thank you, you make this world more beautiful! Kid, fly for your dream!” 于是那只美丽的蝴蝶,就向这那金色的阳光去了,越飞越高,越飞越远…… So that beautiful butterfly flew towards the sun. The higher he flew, the further he went.
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