青蛙弗洛格Frog is frog

青蛙弗洛格Frog is frog

2022-03-30    07'03''

主播: 妮妮在斯德哥尔摩

466 4

A little frog gazes happily at his reflection, musing on his luck being so beautifully green and such a good swimmer. His friend Duck sows the first seeds of self-doubt when she demonstrates how talented she is at flying. Frog then realises that Rat can make things, Pig can bake delicious cakes and clever Hare can read. Frog tries to do all these things without success. He feels distraught until Hare explains that Frog is loved for who he is, a green frog in stripy swimming trunks. Being happy in your own skin is a skill everyone has to learn and this charming story explains this well to young children who will relish the comic pictures of Frog leaping so high that he feels he is flying.