【娇点英语] 自律

【娇点英语] 自律

2020-10-15    03'06''

主播: 娇点英语

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【娇点英语] 自律 (原名:为你读美语) 主播:娇娇 (美国) 2018年10岁录音 很多时候,学霸之所以为学霸,除了刻苦学习,还跟其睥睨天下的“时间管理”能力是分不开的,他们总把一天24小时利用出48小时的效果!不光学习了,还玩好了,到底怎么做到的?一起来看看这些哈佛学生真实的一天是怎么度过的吧! Self-disciplined people are notall outstanding people. But nearly all outstanding people areself-disciplined people. 自律的人不一定都优秀,但优秀的人基本都是自律的。 Some of them keep reading everyday. Some of them never get late. 他们之中,有的人坚持每天看书,有的人坚持从不迟到。 Thereal difference between an elite and the ordinary people is that an elite canmanage himself. 一个真正的精英与普通人的不同,就是他能够管住自己。 And that's where their success comes from. 而他们的成功就来源与此。 What people call self-management is in fact self-discipline. 自律,其实就是自我管理。 Establish a list for your daily work and life, and excute them outwithout mercy. 每天为自己的工作和生活列出一个清单,然后毫不留情地执行它。 This is not sacrificing your freedom. This is freedom. 这并不是牺牲自由,这恰恰就是自由。 Only in self-discipline can you stop being a slave of all the trivialthings in your life. 只有在自律当中,你才能不成为生活中琐碎的奴隶。 Only in self-discipline can you truly own your future. 只有在自律中,你才拥有未来。